Onestringer Arrow Wraps.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2004
Reaction score
Dyersburg, TN
Just wanted to pass along that I have been accepted the Onestringer Shooting Staff! :grin: They are really great, and helpful people, and It's really an honor to be part of the team. I have a coupon code for 10% off, so if you are looking to get some new wraps, pm me and I will send you the code.
Thanks guys! Make sure and yell at me if you are going to make an order, so I can give you the discount code.
Hey guys, check out my wraps that RickyM designed for me. I sent them to Onestringer to be printed. I'll post the finished product once I get them in & the arrows fletched.

bsl said:
Rickym said:
Just wanted to pass along that I have been accepted the Onestringer Shooting Staff! :grin: They are really great, and helpful people, and It's really an honor to be part of the team. I have a coupon code for 10% off, so if you are looking to get some new wraps, pm me and I will send you the code.

thanks for nothing.I ordered my wraps last Looked at hundreds of wraps and still can't find what I want.i ordered some solids to start with and will try to decide what to get next.I really like the flo. orange but have not found the right fade or design to go with it yet.

They also design custom wraps for ya also. :cool:
I need to get me some made that have "Rivers Edge Hunting Club" on them. Big J's daughter gave me her code for 10% off, but I can't seem to find time to sit down and custom make the design to send in.
Thanks Wes! :grin: my code for 10% off is friendsofrickym . type it just like that in the coupon code.
Cool Deal! I have been using Mindy's wraps for a few years now. The quality is great, as well as their customer service!

Arrows wraps isnt all they do.. they can make basically a decal for anything you want. Inside the limbs... little notes to yourself, stabilizer wraps, FOB wraps, etc etc etc

Glad you were accepted as staff.
I spoke with Mindy last week about making a wrap with the tndeer logo on it so we so show it off on here.. but I guess she wasnt granted permission?