Open front climbers


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2007
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Last couple years I've hunted with a Summit Viper and really like it. This year I'm cosidering an open front stand. I've been looking at Summit Razor and API Alumitech Bowhunter magnum both $279 at Bass Pro. Is it worth it to have open front so you can shoot sitting and just to have a little more room to swing the bow?
I have one of the summit broadhead climbers and I love it. It folds up to make a good carry into the woods. It is also very comfortable. A good choice for an open-front stand....
I use my viper and keep the foot climber closer to the seat when bow hunting. My bow clears the front rail when i stand.
I normally use a summit viper but was able to pick up a lone wolf climber for $150. So im thinking there has got to be pluses to being able to shoot sitting down. Hopefully this is my new go to bow stand.
I think you can have two stands for the price of one if you just get an open-front top section from Summit to match the bottom platform of your Viper. That's what I did years ago.

I did it mostly for weight savings; the open front plus no seat cushions make it about 3 pounds lighter to carry. In warm, early season I want as light a carry as possible. I also replaced the cushion with s simple web seat, saving even more weight. In early bow season I don't sit much anyway.

Having said that, I've shot a few deer while seated in my climber with the front bar; I had plenty of clearance becasue I sutuate my stands so that the most probably shots are straight to my left anyway. If I have to shoot straight in front of me or to the right, I stand up. The front bar makes me feel more secure when I lean against it slightly with my legs.
I have the api open front, but mine is not the magnum, I am a pretty big boy, and have pretty large hips, i would surly recommend the bigger one, but as for the open front, it is a little more awkward to climb in. I typically stand up to shoot anyways.
Still cant get over my ol'man getting stolen by the paper company a few years ago, didnt hunt for three weekends, went back and my stand location was clear cut. NOT a good feeling. I'd go with the closed front at this point IMO.
i use a summit goliath but during bow season i use a summit open front top half.cant remember which one. have to change for gun if i want to nap!haha
Dont hunt with an open one but no diff than hunting from a lock on which is open and i do that all the time.