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Opening day


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2001
Reaction score
Kansas City, Mo.
The day finally arrives after many months of preparation . The bow is dialed in , you are shooting good , the stands are hung in good bottlenecks . It's on !
It will be a long season , yet opening morning brings more excitement than the other mornings .
It is the opening morning of the fall deer season . Will that path that leads past your stand bring you good luck this season ? We all hope for a successful season.
I get a chill down my spine on opening morning that puts a smile on my face as I take it all in . I love bowhunting for the solitude . It is a peaceful and relaxing style of hunting . Sometimes it takes me a few days to slow down to get into that state of mind and forget about the stress of everyday life .
I wish everyone success this year , especially those who are new to the sport . Be patient , slow down and enjoy every hunt . Success will come to those who are patient opportunists.

What does opening day mean to you ?
Opening day, and hunting season refreshes my batteries. Tree time is like theraphy for me. Nothing better than sitting there and not having a worry in the world.
I'm starting to become more focused on the upcoming bow season now that I know I will be living/hunting in Tn. through the fall . It's been a stressful year . I'm ready to get in the woods .
Two things for me: Sitting on a rock near a cool Mountain stream with a fly Rod by me Listening to the stream...and Sitting quietly in the pre dawn woods listening to the woods around you coming alive with every min. that the sun rises.
I bet I just made a few of you Smile!!!!!!!
opening day does several things to me. anticipation, excitement, relaxation and some times fustration. I am starting to relax more but have a long ways to go.
Bow season allows me the time to get back in the woods after a busy summer. I love to be able to watch the transition from summer to fall then to winter, my favorite time of the year. It also gives the time while setting on stand to think about all the things going on at the time, things that can be controlled and the things that can't. I also use bow season to plan out the muzzleloader and gun seasons. Taking a couple deer during all this is always a plus.
The exact same thing it means to you! Awesome post! I honestly THANK the good Lord as soon as i get in my stand For blessing me with one more hunt which I don't deserve. As the sun begins to rise and I am sitting with bow in hand on my perch, I can't help but feel terribly sorry for all the people who never get to experience mother nature at her absolute finest!GOOD LUCK to everyone this season!
DUCK37101 said:
Opening Day means another year has gone by. I love Bow hunting so much that I measure one year to the next by one particular day in September. The silence of my 4am climb 20ft into my favorite tree is well worth the wait. As soon as my ritual on stand is complete and I sit into my seat I get a rush like no other. I know soon a season will begin as I await the first sunrise of the new year. At this point I realize that everything I live for (wife, kids, family, friends) have all been put into perspective. The deafening quiet is awesome.
Opening day is all about being alive.

dont think i coulda said it any better myself DUCK

i cant wait to watch that sun creep up over them whiteoaks.
It never ceases to amaze me that how all summer long everyone has their different opinions on every issue but the one thing we all agree on is the most important. Love of the outdoors. Man ya gotta love it
1bow4me said:
It never ceases to amaze me that how all summer long everyone has their different opinions on every issue but the one thing we all agree on is the most important. Love of the outdoors. Man ya gotta love it

Thats why I posted this thread . It's nice to get away from the differences in equipment to focus on what we can all share , and that is the passion for bowhunting.
Opening Day to me?

Means sitting in the sweltering hot & humid woods. Getting soaking wet with sweat on the trip to the treestand. Then getting to that "perfect setup" only to realize you'd probably been better off setting up in the tree 20 yards over from where you are. Swatting at skeeters buzzing around my ears, and gnats trying to land in my eyeballs. Watching yellow jackets land on my equipment and trying not to get stung by one.

Waiting on a deer to come by, but all the while kind of hoping that one wont so that you ain't gotta track it, gut it, then drag it out in the 90 degree heat before it spoils and before you die of heat exhaustion.

LOL I love bowhunting but I hate early season hot weather bow hunting. If it opened and we had high temps in the 60s, I'd be a happy man.
Crow Terminator said:
Opening Day to me?

Means sitting in the sweltering hot & humid woods. Getting soaking wet with sweat on the trip to the treestand. Then getting to that "perfect setup" only to realize you'd probably been better off setting up in the tree 20 yards over from where you are. Swatting at skeeters buzzing around my ears, and gnats trying to land in my eyeballs. Watching yellow jackets land on my equipment and trying not to get stung by one.

Waiting on a deer to come by, but all the while kind of hoping that one wont so that you ain't gotta track it, gut it, then drag it out in the 90 degree heat before it spoils and before you die of heat exhaustion.

LOL I love bowhunting but I hate early season hot weather bow hunting. If it opened and we had high temps in the 60s, I'd be a happy man.

LOL, It can be hot for the TN. opener. :) This will probably be my last season hunting in Tn. before I transfer with my job . I'm just looking forward to spending some time in the woods with friends here in Tn.
Maybe next season I'll be able to bow hunt in the cooler weather back in my home state .
I may or may not hunt the opener but I really start getting excited about the time of my birthday, 10/9. Growing up that was always a special squirrel hunt with my dad or papa back home in La. October means cooler weather, SEC football and deer hunting, my favorite time of year. With three little kids, a hectic worklife and a wife who needs me I try to keep my hunting desire in check until the bucks start chasing. That gets really hard really quick though :D

Good thread Scott!
My first Priority opening weekend is knowing Tyler has his safety belt in his pack and after that I can relax and enjoy the day. This year is the year he gets one with his bow. I have several spots picked out in hopes that we can see it happen. After that happens I will become hardcore for a buck. Probably bow hunt 90% of the year again this year.

I have hopes of having a great year again with friends and family. Spending time at the cabin enjoying the fruits of our hard labor. Even though it won't be completely done yet it will be good enough for a hunting cabin. Dry, hopefully warm and may even have the toilet in for those cold mornings we all would rather not go outside.

I'm like you Radar. I do it for the solitude. But also, the thrill of not knowing what is going to happen next. Anything can happen in the deer woods if you just sit back and let the woods come alive.
richmanbarbeque said:
My first Priority opening weekend is knowing Tyler has his safety belt in his pack and after that I can relax and enjoy the day. This year is the year he gets one with his bow. I have several spots picked out in hopes that we can see it happen. After that happens I will become hardcore for a buck. Probably bow hunt 90% of the year again this year.

I have hopes of having a great year again with friends and family. Spending time at the cabin enjoying the fruits of our hard labor. Even though it won't be completely done yet it will be good enough for a hunting cabin. Dry, hopefully warm and may even have the toilet in for those cold mornings we all would rather not go outside.



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