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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2006
Reaction score
Cumberland Plateau
Spot where I have a 110 class 8 and a 130 class 9

My brother is gonna be swinging from the same tree with me filming me or vice versa which deer shows up, I have put the most time in so I'm getting 1st dibbs at the 130 neither of us have killed any bucks with a bow, and my brother has never killed anything with his bow???

Do I let him kill the 1st slickhead that comes through on film??

Do I wait for what I think will come in??

Just focus on bucks right now and worry about does later bow season??
Wow what a pickle... I think I would go for the buck if you have good reason he will be there. A little later on I would let him take whatever. Enjoy and have fun filming and shooting.
If you got bucks figured out now, then you should get after them. They won't hold the same pattern for long.

As far as you or your brother shooting first......how much bigger are you than your brother?? That's how me and my brother settled things lol.
Have him shoot the first doe to walk up. You can let her lay for a bit and keep hunting.
I would hunt horns early, with your set-up. Let the does walk. There should be many chances for does later on. ;)
If ur confident he is gonna come thru and give either of u an opportunity, why would you not hunt the set up. Time of year doesnt matter if u know ur gonna be on a big buck.
Buck Assassin said:
I think I would try and take advantage of the first of the season and get that buck before he starts to feel the pressure!

Agreed, take the first weekend and look for the buck if you think he's gonna show at some point. Bow season is long enough you can always plug a fat doe.
Since im not horn hunting, im gonna shoot the first one that walks by, hopefully it will have a spot or two for me to aim at.
DUCK37101 said:
If you want a REAL challenge I would try and shoot the first "mature" Doe I saw. ;)

I have been hunting this particular "mature" doe for 2 years. No matter what I do she will bust me. She can be 2 ridges over and bust me everytime. Sometimes I think she just runs around and blows for the heck of it, making me think she has found me.
ONe of my most memorial hunts was a similar thing. My brother and I were on the last day of a three-day hunt. He had killed a small buck earlier, but I hadn't seen a thing. Since we were in a place and time that your second buck had to have at least 4 points on one side, the deal was that if a legal buck came by, Stan would get the shot, but I would get the shot at a doe.

About an hour before dark a big doe with two button bucks came into view. The doe was nervous and kept looking up at the two blobs in the tree. The BBs were oblivious to us, and I could have plugged either several times, but I kept waiting for the doe to offer a shot. Finally she circled downwind, blew, and the three of them ran off.

Then the shakes set in. I never had anyone watch me getting ready to kill a deer, and it really added some pressure/excitement. Lots of fun.

Good luck!
If you have never experienced it before, you are in for a REAL treat. Getting filmed, or filming, while trying to take a deer by bow, is a BLAST. I can't tell you how many times I've had people say that they were just as nervous as when they took their first deer when trying to get it on film.

Take the first deer you can take on film, you will LOVE it.

It is VERY difficult to get a good, clean, kill shot on film in ALL the places we hunt. Foliage, weather, RECORD BUTTON, focus, shakes, WRONG STINKING DEER, and my personal FAVORITE...A MISS!

I actually have a 150 MISS on video. TWICE!!! (I was behind the camera) He missed it first at 35 yards. THen the next morning at 25 yards. I was SICK as a dog, but not as sick as he was.

A word of experience, MAKE SURE you film the shot at 75% full frame, film the "run-off", and then film the reaction of the hunter. The guy that missed and I filmed his 100th bow kill a couple years after the 150 miss. It was a GREAT experience and we now have it on film. BTW, it was a 110+,- inch mature 8 point.
His reaction AFTER the shot IS PRICELESS!

It just depends. Gut shot deer need to be left to lay a long, LONG, time in this heat because the warm weather does not create as much stress as freezing weather. But this is strictly the intestinal (septic) shot deer.

But it just depends.


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