First, congratulations on killing your first turkey!
Thegreatwhitehunter1776":nxks7m9t said:
My question is why is it frowned upon to shoot a jake and if next time I need to not get so worked up over a little thunder chicken.
I certainly won't give you much grief for shooting a jake, especially since you've never before killed a turkey.
But to answer your question,
killing a jake is somewhat akin to killing a yearling spike buck.
Totally legally, totally good eating.
But if you want to increase your own odds of killing either an older buck or a longbearded turkey,
the best strategy is to give the younger bucks & birds a pass.
Just me, but I can honestly say I enjoy the hunting more than the killing,
although some periodic killing is a requirement to justify that "hunting".
The question is, "How often do I need to kill something?"
. . . . . . to fully enjoy my hunting to the max.
My very first turkey kill was a jake,
about four decades ago.
At my stage now, I just enjoy being able to go hunting, period.
It was great Saturday, just being out in nature, taking it all in,
gun in hand, hunting.
Sunday was better because I finally heard a turkey gobble less than a mile away.
And that bird was willing to play, putting on a spectacular show of spitting & drumming & strutting,
to the point, I didn't even want to shoot him, as that would end the show.
But I did shoot him, icing the cake of another good day of "hunting".