The Genesis is a good bow and a real innovation in archery. However, there are other bows that may be better for her. Like DWM said the Genesis is made for a lot of different people to shoot the same bow. A better choice would be a bow that will fit her specifically. I would look for one with her draw length and weight on the bottom of it's adjustment range. That will let the bow grow with her.
Several of the bow manufacturers offer a limb swap program, that will save money in a few years when she outgrows her first bow. This could be a real help later. That way she can put money into better accessories.
Buy a good bow. That will pay off later. Buy a name brand. That way you can have some assurance that the company will be around in a few years when you are ready to upgrade. Buy simple, but sturdy accessories. That will keep her from getting intimidated by the bow. It will also help your heart and blood pressure when she drops it or lays it down and steps on something (and she will).
Provide her with the basics and just let her have fun. Don't overcoach her at this age. If you put too much pressure on her she will lose interest (voice of experience). Let her tell you how much to practice and how hard to work at it. If she gets the bug she will beg for more trips to the range.