Well here's the break down from last night:
Got up in the tree, about 6:45 a doe with two spotted fawns showed up so I watched them. A couple minutes later I hear more steps and a beautiful grey doe, full body and mature arrives on the scene. "GAME ON" I thought! She stoppped at roughly 30 yards under the cover of some branches I couldn't shoot through so I went ahead and pulled my bow to be ready as she only needed to step about 10 feet more for a full broadside shot. She never moved but Mrs. Momma doe pranced around and then stopped, looked straight at me and did the typical stare down for a while. "Busted" Fully drawn and couldn't move till those eyes moved away. Finally she looked down and I relaxed my pull. She then looked up and did a snort, stomped her hooves and away she went with the little ones! Mrs. Grey doe stay put for a few seconds then turned her gaze upon me, once she looked up she said super snort and away she went. The next 30 minutes I listen to them laughing in their snortful way! After reviewing the scene I realized my clear plactic water bottle was hanging on my treestand facing the deer, shiny bottle equals too much bling bling!! Oh well chalk it up for a good hunting experience and another lesson learned! Could I have taken the momma doe, absolutely! But in my personal choice I rather give spotted fawns a better chance to live for next seasons hunt! God always provides!!