Out of a piece of land to hunt on opening day


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
Reaction score
bradley county,TN/Lancaster,SC
Just found out I can't go the lease saturday,due to another member paying double dues has it reserved for the first week in return.

DO any of the pieces opf public land (hiwasse refuge, charlotte ann finnel neal etc.) around here have a huntable population of turkeys? Would go to CNF but my 8 year old little brother will be hunting and the walk is to rough for him to one of my spots.

Any info is GREATLY appreciated.
I can't help you with your question in your part of the world, but what kind of "lease" do you have on which you can't hunt for ANY period, unless that point is clearly spelled out up front and agreed upon by all parties? "Just found out" really doesn't jibe.
It was agreed upon. I had forgotten it included opening week of turkey.

Its a 1300 acre lease with 10 guys and we couldnt find another member so one guy paid double dues buty in turn he had the place to himself on opening weekend of turkey and deer.

I didnt agree with it totally but in order to have the lease I had to go along.

It makes me sick to my stomach. This guy has only stepped foot on this place one time and hes going in there to educate the turkeys.
Its 10 guys from bowater but it is not a bowater lease.

It was a business move and said he was going to take wood suppliers hunting on the days he had reserved. Fact is, he aint taken one and didnt during the bow days he reserved and isnt saturday.

So basically, he has the place all to himself.
the hiwasseee is open with the state wide, it has a good number of birds on it. i will be hunting the hiwassee opening day, just for that reason. i took a juvenile last saturday, & he killed a tom the first 15 min after daylight, it was a great hunt. Bottom line if i didnt have some were to go i would be thier. I have other places to hunt, but i wanted to hunt those birds first this year.
ocoee is a pretty good place i had some birds scouted out there but dont think i will go in the mournin on acount of the nasty weather unless some one asks me to take them out