Passing on the outdoors - our youngest (pic heavy)


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2012
Reaction score
Tennessee, USA
I am so beyond excited about tomorrow! All our kids like the outdoors to an extent, but our babygirl Alana (7 yrs old) absolutely loves everything about it! She has tagged along for scouting and to be with us while hunting a couple of times. But, she decided this year she wants to go get a turkey of her own. So my husband (pledbetter) and I are taking her this weekend for juvenile. 

I fell in love with anything outdoors after Phillip took the time to patiently introduce me and I know she will see it in a whole new light when she gets a turkey of her own! :) 

Below are a few scouting pictures I took a few weekends ago and 2 pictures of the excitement in Alana's eyes when she claimed a turkey Phillip brought home a couple seasons back. :) 

These are memories/pictures I will cherish forever. Can't wait to have more of her with her very own bird! 

I can hardly wait til tomorrow!!!
Weather could definitely be better, and we'll probably be back in the truck pretty quick, but the chance to be there for her very first opening day is something I'll always cherish.
The passion that this little lady has for the outdoors rivals any grown man's that i know , lol
But turkey hunting takes it to a whole different level for my "curly q"
Lmbo , she LOVES anything turkey, she's already claimed several calls of mine and we're always "practicing".
Looking forward to a many many more opening days and dead birds with little curly q
Gravey":3cvbspfc said:
That's what its all about. Good luck to her.
That's what I'm talking about! Nothing better, cherish every minute you have with her. The next hunting generation, I love it!
You think she would like me to make her a turkey call of her on? I have not made any this year with dad being sick and then loosing him.
Clay......she loves your calls.....she sits with Phillip for hours "practicing calling turkey birds". The calls you made Phillip....he protects them like a mother bear lol!!!! I'm sure she would cherish one just the same. She is learning and loving every moment. Thank you again for all our calls and I am so sorry for they loss of your dad. He raised a good man and has some pretty awesome grandsons. Tell Zeke congrats from me and that I had my lucky socks he got me on today.

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