Pea Ridge WMA


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 1999
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Warren co.
Anyone got the scoop on Pea Ridge WMA specifically the Dekalb county side? Thinking about trying it out this year but I hear it is really steep. Can anyone advise on how the hunting is there or how crowded it gets? I don't mind a walk but my mountain hiking days are over. I was looking at the map and it appears to be a pretty nice area lots of good roads and access points it appears.


Ive squirrel hunted here a few times - really nice hard woods white oaks and some thin cut timber. Some good fire breaks theyve plowed you can walk. most the flat stuff i imagine gets hutned pretty good and the steep stuff is real steep, theres some corners of the WMA tha border private land if you can hike that far in might be a good chance
Anyone got the scoop on Pea Ridge WMA specifically the Dekalb county side? Thinking about trying it out this year but I hear it is really steep. Can anyone advise on how the hunting is there or how crowded it gets? I don't mind a walk but my mountain hiking days are over. I was looking at the map and it appears to be a pretty nice area lots of good roads and access points it appears.


How'd it go man? I'm from the area and went Sunday and didn't see anything
It;s been a few years and its broken up into several parts, I cant tell you exact spots as I could drive to them but ever telling you i am at a lose,
If it were me id go back in there past some of those select cuts and overlook a bottom. or find a saddle to sit on. im sure those deer are hanging out up high very often being exposed