Peep Question HELP!


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
Murfreesboro, TN
To start off, I had my bow stolen the first week of October, so I purchased a new bow, PSE Stinger, at local archery shop. For some reason my draw length, draw weight and kisser button were put on rather quickly. (It was the end of the day and closing time). Well my kisser button moved all the way to my knocking loop, and my peep sight keeps twisting. Went to a different archery shop today, had the draw length corrected, peep corrected, etc. Went home, sighted it back in correctly, putting good groups at good distances. Drew back on my last shot of the night, and my peep has twisted sideways again. Can it be the string dampener that is in the string moving messing it up? I cant seem to get the string twisted back the way it should be to correct this. HELP!
Re: Peep Question

Yeah, on my old bow, it never moved and I didn't use the tubing either. I just cant figure out why this one twists so much. I would prefer to not have the tubing, but I'm afraid that I'll probably end up having to get it put on.
Re: Peep Question

When did you buy the bow? How many shots have been put on it since you bought it. Most strings, especially most stock, will stretch when you first start shooting them. When they stretch the peep will start turning on you. Usually after a while it will settle. Then when you set your peep it should stay right. How many shots it takes depends on the string. If you haven't shot it much, shoot it some more, put at least 100 shots on it since it was new, or maybe more. Then have the peep set. If you have shot it a bunch and it still doing it, it may be the quality of the string. If it is a stock PSE string that is like the one that came on my Bow Maddness XS, I would say there is part of your problem.
Re: Peep Question

I bought the bow October 9th and have shot almost every other day with it, as I know I need to be proficient with it since it is new and I will be using it until rifle season opens. As for how many shots, I am unsure but I do know I have shot enough to wear out fletchings on several new/practice arrows. I know for a fact that I am over 100 shots, but more can and will never hurt. I worked with it again last night, and think I have it fixed, but we will see. Is there a different string that you advise?
Re: Peep Question

There are several you would be fine going with. You may not need to get a new string or anything. It may be fine and just not settled yet and may be fine and last a long time, when it gets settled. I know I didn't like the stock PSE string on my XS and read a lot about them not being good also. If you did decide you wanted to change it, the first string/cable I would recommend would be Bucknasty. You could also go with Vapor Trail, Wicked1, America's Best, Winner's Choice, and the list goes on. You should be fine with any of those. I would get a custom from one of them instead of a stock string.
Re: Peep Question

A custom string is best. The dampner in the string sliding could cause what you are talking about.I would recoomend taking it to a good proshop and have them help.
Re: Peep Question

We deal with this every day, and it can definitely be aggrevating. Most of the mid-line PSE's (Stingers, Brutes, etc) come with very cheap strings and cables from the factory, and they have a boatload of stretch. Two solutions. Add a peep aligner cap with the rubber, or change the string to a pre-stretched material. We use Winners Choice and have 0 peep rotation problems. Cheapest and least invasive rout would be to add a cap to your Fletcher peep. That will last you until it's time to change the string.
Re: Peep Question

I'm a little different, years ago I took my peep off, took a white paint marker made two strips of white around my string quarter of an inch wide and quarter of an inch apart where my peep should be, then took black magic marker made a black ring on my string between the white strips, I line the black up on my pins in center with the string just touching my sight pin. I've been doing it for 10 years and will never go back, and shooting as well as I ever have.