Peep sight issues....


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2005
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Lately I have been noticing that my peep itself is really hard to pick up on... I am seeing the pins & ring just fine, its just like the peep isn't there... When I re-focus & try to pick up on the peep itself, its real fuzzy.... Just cant seem to put the two together..... Any suggestions...

Oh, I had a 1/4" peep & went to a 1/8"
thinking maybe that would help to close the hole a bit & that sure didn't help at all......

So, back to the 1/4" & still the same problem....
Maybe a little more description.....
It seems that I am looking completely past the peep.. I cant even get a clear halo to place the sight ring into...
The bow is 31" ATA so the peep is far enough away....
My peep is also a 1/4" and encircles my round pin sight housing completely. Purpose was to center the pin sight housing in the peep sight opening. That dictated the diameter of the sight housing, not the peep. 1/8" peep works for target shooting but would not recommend for hunting.
My peep is just a blur to my eye but I can tell it is centered and that is what matters to me.
I also use a tube to insure alignment on every draw. Could not keep it consistently straight without the tube.
I'm trying to envision what you're saying and just not getting it. I don't/can't even see my peep, due to me looking past it�just the ring of the sight housing filling up the opening of the peep and of course the pins.

Is the peep not rotating correctly what you are saying?
I agree with pick-a-spot 1/8" will be too small for hunting, in a low light situation you probably won't be able to see your sightpins clearly. atleast I couldn't, been there done that. LOL. My peep is 3/16" and my sightpin housing centers perfectly in my peep. Is it possible your DL is a tad long and the peep is too close to your eye? just a thought
Dale817 said:
.... Is it possible your DL is a tad long and the peep is too close to your eye? just a thought

I had wondered about this too. I don't have a kisser button but wish that I had started with one. Watched TnDeerGuy instruct Chase on techniques and learned a lot. Making sure the string lines up with my nose everything changed everything for me. I was never able to see my arrow through to impact but now I can.
eweisner said:
Dale817 said:
.... Is it possible your DL is a tad long and the peep is too close to your eye? just a thought

I had wondered about this too. I don't have a kisser button but wish that I had started with one. Watched TnDeerGuy instruct Chase on techniques and learned a lot. Making sure the string lines up with my nose everything changed everything for me. I was never able to see my arrow through to impact but now I can.

I think that's it.... I shortened it a little & it seems to help! Thanks..
I bought a new bow this year and was having issues at times with seeing thru the peep. We were shooting one day and my wife noticed that I was "turkey necking", meaning streching my neck. I new that I was not comfortable when at anchor. Fix - went to my buddies bow shop and we ended up moving the peep down and now I have my solid anchor and a clear view thru the peep everytime. I would suggest having someone watch you shoot to make sure you are anchoring solid and at the same spot everytime or go to a bow shop where you can lock into a solid anchor and let them move your peep where when you can draw and anchor into your sweet spot. I let my jaw rest at the back of my thumb and the string touches my nose. This is very solid and comfortable.
Grill-n-man said:
I bought a new bow this year and was having issues at times with seeing thru the peep. We were shooting one day and my wife noticed that I was "turkey necking", meaning streching my neck. I new that I was not comfortable when at anchor. Fix - went to my buddies bow shop and we ended up moving the peep down and now I have my solid anchor and a clear view thru the peep everytime. I would suggest having someone watch you shoot to make sure you are anchoring solid and at the same spot everytime or go to a bow shop where you can lock into a solid anchor and let them move your peep where when you can draw and anchor into your sweet spot. I let my jaw rest at the back of my thumb and the string touches my nose. This is very solid and comfortable.
the easiest way to find that sweet spot with your draw is to draw and anchor with your eyes closed then open your eyes,if its right everything will be lined up.if not you will have to make some adjustments accordingly.JMO