What size hole does everyone have. I just had a tubeless g5 peep put in with a 1/4 hole. I dont seem to be shooting as good as i was now. I am just wondering if that hole sixe is too big.
I have the G5 1/4 inch peep on my string and I love it! I don't think i'm hardly as accurate with it vs a smaller peep but I am not going back to a smaller hole.1/4 inch lets in alot more light and a bigger field of view!
I have a 3/16 meta peep. That's one size down from 1/4. it sits perfectly around my sight. I had a 1/4 peep and it was to big for me. It depends on a lot of different things. If you don't want to change it out try moving your sight closer to you if possible. This will make the sight ring apear bigger in your sight picture therfor matching your peep. However if you do that your pins will appear bigger and cover up more of your target so it is a trade off. Other wise try a smaller peep.
I put the G5 1/4" on my new PSE a few months ago. With the F-18 sight, or any sight with a glow ring, you should be money if you are anchoring the same. I'm shooting tighter patterns at 20+ than ever before.
I was shooting a 3/16 but couldnt see my pins in low light conditions. Switched to a 1/4 and love it so far. I havent noticed any change in my groups out to 60yds.