Permanent Insect Repellant Shirts..

It doesn't work. Carry a thermacell, and life is easy. Spray the tops of your boots with permanone once a week and the ticks will not bother you anymore. Really simple solutions that actually work.
Setterman said:
It doesn't work. Carry a thermacell, and life is easy. Spray the tops of your boots with permanone once a week and the ticks will not bother you anymore. Really simple solutions that actually work.

what he said.
I do as much as I can to prevent ticks and chiggers, and one thing that I've found that will keep them off your lower legs are calf length socks. About once a season I spray my boots with a permathrin product, and every trip I spray around the tops of my boots with a deet product. Ticks and chiggers solved.
Long time ago before permathrin products showed up, I would buy two cheap flea collars for dogs and put them around my boots. They really worked, especially on chiggers and to a certain degree, on ticks. They would last about three months.

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