I'm sitting here finalizing my Sunday school lesson before I leave for church. I attended the UTC Mocs game last night with my family, and we had a blast. I did not get to see "my" team play, and that's ok. My wife and girls got on the Jumbotron, we ate overpriced stadium food, and laughed a bunch. The Dawgs trailed at halftime, and did not play very well for a good while. Even if the UGA game had been a blowout I would have rather spent that time with my family where I did, though.
Let's remember that we have favorite teams, but that they are mostly still teenagers and young adults whose brains have not finished developing. We invest a lot of emotion, and for some it's self value, in these kids playing a game. If "my team" wins them great, but if "my team" loses then oh well. Let's remember to keep the main things the main things, and the main things don't include sports or hunting.
My DAWGS have won the last two national championships, but that does not increase my worth one single bit. My Dawgs could lose next week's game and it would not take away from my worth one single bit. I won't lose sleep or gloat over it at all. I am a servant of the Most High King. I have a Savior who has provided far more to me than I deserve. I have a family to love, raise, guide, provide for, and defend based upon the model that Jesus provided for me. Teams win, lose, blow out, or squeak by, but life goes on. Please remember to keep your eyes focused on the most important things.
Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things Will he added to you - Matt 6:33
If you do not know Jesus, please feel free to drop me an IM and I'll be glad to talk to you.
Let's remember that we have favorite teams, but that they are mostly still teenagers and young adults whose brains have not finished developing. We invest a lot of emotion, and for some it's self value, in these kids playing a game. If "my team" wins them great, but if "my team" loses then oh well. Let's remember to keep the main things the main things, and the main things don't include sports or hunting.
My DAWGS have won the last two national championships, but that does not increase my worth one single bit. My Dawgs could lose next week's game and it would not take away from my worth one single bit. I won't lose sleep or gloat over it at all. I am a servant of the Most High King. I have a Savior who has provided far more to me than I deserve. I have a family to love, raise, guide, provide for, and defend based upon the model that Jesus provided for me. Teams win, lose, blow out, or squeak by, but life goes on. Please remember to keep your eyes focused on the most important things.
Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things Will he added to you - Matt 6:33
If you do not know Jesus, please feel free to drop me an IM and I'll be glad to talk to you.