Pine Creek Archery Club

I won't make the May shoot. Work gets in the way of so much. Being a club member, I have done my share are shooting there. Go, you will have a good time. It's a pretty good bunch of people.
m_allison71 said:
I won't make the May shoot. Work gets in the way of so much. Being a club member, I have done my share are shooting there. Go, you will have a good time. It's a pretty good bunch of people.

I was thinking about coming over for the May shoot, but can't get anyone to answer my emails. I have emailed 2 of the people on the list on the website and no replies to my questions..
m_allison71 said:
I don't know who you e-mailed but i will try to help. Just tell me what you want to know.

I emailed Hugh McNaughten, and one of the other guys on the list, but can't say for certain which one.

My question is I see in the rules that bows must shoot 280 or less...The bow I'm currently shooting there is no way to get it down to 280...besides cutting down a tree and carving out an arrow. :grin: Is there any class I can shoot or what? I don't want to drive 3 hours to find out I can't shoot if I get to come.

Also I might bring a couple people with me and also meet Kyle (double drops) there. will we be allowed to shoot together or be broken up into different groups?

You should be fine. For the sake of time, we like to limit groups to no more than 5. Too many people and the groups tend to get backed up.

I don't believe we are enforcing the arrow speed.
m_allison71 said:
You should be fine. For the sake of time, we like to limit groups to no more than 5. Too many people and the groups tend to get backed up.

I don't believe we are enforcing the arrow speed.

At most there will be 4 of us. You think we will get to shoot together?? That's the main reason for me making the drive is the meet up with Kyle and shoot. Thanks for the help.
None of the local shoots usually bust groups here Ricky. I might be with ya'll too.

Old Hickory is 5/24. I'm trying to get Kyle to shoot that one with me too.
Sorry I haven't been involved in this discussion. It looks like we are going to have a BIG turn out for this shoot. I have talked to a few people over the phone and they are really pumped about he May 16th shoot.

As far as the 280 FPS, I would not worry about it. We are not an ASA club yet, so it will not be a problem this time. If we join the ASA, then there might be a problem.

Just come on out and shoot. There will be a great bunch of guys there to help.

We would love to see everyone from
Hoss said:
Hey Mike,
How is that bow shooting for you? Did you get new strings and cables or are you shooting it as is?

With turkey season I haven't had a chance to play with it. I guess I'll get something done with it next week.
i know regis. starts at 8, but up to what time can we register? We have a 3 hour drive to get there.

Had fun at the shoot...but you guys need to come up with a cut off time to be on the range or something..when everyone is waiting, and leaves before the awards are handed out cause 3 guys want to take ALL DAY to shoot...that's not real good way to end a fun shoot.. We left at almost 5pm and almost everyone else had already cut long before that, cause of it...We had a 3 hour drive, and couldn't wait around any longer. Had fun though, and may try to come again sometime.