Pinhoti Project


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2014
Reaction score
White Co. TN
I know this has been discussed before but Dave Owens and crew are some serious turkey killers/hunters. I have been watching last years videos on YouTube in preparation for this years season. I love the way the videos show the entire hunt, from beginning to end. The preparation, the hunt, and the after thoughts. They do a great job showing the ups and downs and ins and outs of turkey hunting.
10 days and counting........tick tick tick tock
His videos are the absolute best there is. Before strutter decoys came out primos had great videos. Since then most all of them are unwatchable. Stumbled on Pinhoti last year towards the end of the season and made myself not watch them so I would have something with which to get a turkey fix during the miserable waiting of February and March.
I have been doing the same for the past few weeks, as I didn't watch them last year.

If haven't done so, watch this year's youth hunt in Florida. The young man almost hyperventilates, and it's awesome to watch him and his dad.

I really enjoy watching Dave hunt and I get a lot of enjoyment out of the style of hunting he prefers. He's no doubt a hell of a turkey hunter and relentless in getting it done (other than that whole work thing).

Chubbs is hilarious and awfully good on that mouth yelper but is often comparable to toddler jacked up on Mountain Dew! I have never seen him sit still for over about 2 seconds. I can feel the glare that Dave is giving him as he constantly repositions and fidgets with his facemark, gun, sight, etc. as a turkey approaches.
Levee Jumper":67v7qstc said:
I really enjoy watching Dave hunt and I get a lot of enjoyment out of the style of hunting he prefers. He's no doubt a hell of a turkey hunter and relentless in getting it done (other than that whole work thing).

Chubbs is hilarious and awfully good on that mouth yelper but is often comparable to toddler jacked up on Mountain Dew! I have never seen him sit still for over about 2 seconds. I can feel the glare that Dave is giving him as he constantly repositions and fidgets with his facemark, gun, sight, etc. as a turkey approaches.

The thing about the fidgeting is that if you've done this for as long as those guys have, you know when and what you can get away with.

I know Chubbs and Dave really well and the way Dave's doing this is just fantastic. Catman also does a solid job
It cracked me up on one of the shows last year, when they had been whipped by a gobbler, and Chubbs looked at him and told Dave that he needed to give him some of that Grand National Championship #%$* :D !
I thought I was as hardcore as anyone out there. This guy definitely surpasses me. I don't see how he can keep that pace up for 2 months plus straight. What I found eerie was how similar our hunting styles are. I am a little less patient, probably call a bit more, and like to get tighter in on birds esp on the roost before setting up. I seem to bust more birds than him tho :)
megalomaniac":12m8184b said:
I thought I was as hardcore as anyone out there. This guy definitely surpasses me. I don't see how he can keep that pace up for 2 months plus straight. What I found eerie was how similar our hunting styles are. I am a little less patient, probably call a bit more, and like to get tighter in on birds esp on the roost before setting up. I seem to bust more birds than him tho :)

Sounds like y'alls style are more different than similar....
megalomaniac":1c3zy8hf said:
call a bit more . . .

You call more than Dave? I thought I was the only one :D There have been several times where I couldn't believe how much he cut and cackled at a bird that seemed to be coming. Then I remind myself that he is imminently more qualified than me to make that assessment and if I called as good as he does someone would have to take my calls away to make me shut up. Then he usually kills the turkey.
Setterman":2dm06i0g said:
Levee Jumper":2dm06i0g said:
I really enjoy watching Dave hunt and I get a lot of enjoyment out of the style of hunting he prefers. He's no doubt a hell of a turkey hunter and relentless in getting it done (other than that whole work thing).

Chubbs is hilarious and awfully good on that mouth yelper but is often comparable to toddler jacked up on Mountain Dew! I have never seen him sit still for over about 2 seconds. I can feel the glare that Dave is giving him as he constantly repositions and fidgets with his facemark, gun, sight, etc. as a turkey approaches.

The thing about the fidgeting is that if you've done this for as long as those guys have, you know when and what you can get away with.

I know Chubbs and Dave really well and the way Dave's doing this is just fantastic. Catman also does a solid job

I hear you but too often enough its not the bird that is gobbling that is the first to show. Satellite 2 yr. olds, hens and jakes from other directions can ruin a hunt on a bird ready to die. IMO safe play is to try to become part of the woods and not worry about shooting a turkey until its within range.
Been a follower of Dave's for a couple of years and this season is going to be the best. Just wish he could get more videos out sooner. I love his break down of the hunts.I enjoy Chubs and Squirrel. I can't wait to see Chubs and DAve hunting AL with Hunting Public in a few weeks. that will be some fun.
I'd never even heard of these guys before; I don't watch much TV. I did surf through some of their videos before heading to the office. What I've seen looks good. I'll be sure to take some time and check them out.

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I love his videos. I watched the last season in the last two weeks. I will admit I'm not as mad at them as he is. I'm ok To miss a day now and again. He's not married and no kids. I hunt similar to him. I've learned I need to press even closer. I had a few times he had gobbler interested and I was please call come on call but he didn't and they walked off. I'm of the opinion if they walk off from me it won't be from not calling. I thought my 4 to 6 miles a day was good. Naw boy. I've noticed also the will call and back up about 20 yards. I don't do that for sure. Great videos.
Their latest video of Courtney's Osceola is just spectacular. Dave goes into a calling frenzy while the bird is on the roost, trying to pull him their way...Those footsteps in the water....You just gotta watch it!
th88":3jq2zrk2 said:
Dave goes into a calling frenzy while the bird is on the roost, trying to pull him their way...
This will hurt more hunters than it will ever help. I am a supporter of Dave, but one has to know that every move HE makes is not the best move for THEM to make, in their turkey woods. Just an FYI for any new hunters watching his videos.