Poor 09 hatch?


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2009
Reaction score
Chapel Hill, TN
Turkeyburd, Spit, and I were scouting for birds this mornin and were talkin...Wonder how many eggs we are gonna lose around here with the river up so high and so much water. I hope this year's hatch pulls through!
Entire field behind my house is flooded! Anybody got a bow reel! Carp should be everywhere tomorrow! Maybe the hens can renest.
Pops and I were talking about the same thing Saturday when we were hunting.
Burd glad you found that golden egg man I wish I would have saved that video of Saturday night.
I got one!! :D [/quote]

Congrats Spit. Nice to meet you this weekend. And good to see everyone else too.
I pray to God that we dont have a bad hatch. Turkey will be very close to extirpated from some areas in my county if that happens.
Marshall Co. will fo sho take a huge hit because of the flooding. Numbers will be down. Water standing in places we've never seen it. And guess what- Its suppose to rain a couple more inches. HUH?
captain hook said:
Dodgeball said:
I hope your right Hook got us Woodpile boys worried.

I would be worried more about the total number of mature gobblers you all took this year, rather then the hatch failing. Granted I have no idea how many acres you all hunt and the final tally. Which means alot.

Don't worry hook we spread it out and hunt a lot of different farms. Out of all of us we all don't hunt the same spots. Most of the birds we killed are mature gobblers and believe me there are plenty that we have let go (or got away). There are pleanty of jakes that can fill in for next year.