Pop Up Blinds


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Cookeville, TN
I've always used a climber but would like to know if anybody had any luck using pop up blinds. I've got a couple spots that do not HHave good trees to climb. I would prefer to set it up and brush it in the day of the hunt and take it down, but most people leave them in the woods. I would like to use one in the cold weather as well.
You need to be able to brush it in real real good!! You pop it up the day you hunt and deer will be looking at it hard when they spot it.
Big J said:
You need to be able to brush it in real real good!! You pop it up the day you hunt and deer will be looking at it hard when they spot it.

i believe they bring more attention to you than any advantage they afford. a stool and a big tree to lean against has always worked better for me.
Interesting feedback and I am finding the same thing.....I've had deer come within bow range while sitting next to a large tree or in a downed tree top but not so many while in a pop up blind that was set up when I went in.Think I will go back to sitting out.
I killed one Wednesday sitting behind a large tree. Wind was right and the deer walked to within 20 yards of me when I shot it. I have a pop up blind but I don't like it very much.
I think they work better for Turkey than deer . Turkeys wont pay any attention to them when setup the day of the hunt , but deer will . They need to be setup and brushed in good well in advance of the hunt , to let the deer get used to them .
Best place I have found to place a popup without much brushing in are near round hale bales where the deer are used to the similar shape .
Radar said:
I think they work better for Turkey than deer . Turkeys wont pay any attention to them when setup the day of the hunt , but deer will . They need to be setup and brushed in good well in advance of the hunt , to let the deer get used to them .
Best place I have found to place a popup without much brushing in are near round hale bales where the deer are used to the similar shape .

x2, don't like them for deer hunting but great for turkey
UTGrad said:
I've always used a climber but would like to know if anybody had any luck using pop up blinds. I've got a couple spots that do not HHave good trees to climb. I would prefer to set it up and brush it in the day of the hunt and take it down, but most people leave them in the woods. I would like to use one in the cold weather as well.
I kill 99% of my deer from a ground blind.
Well, I had a button buck come to within 10 yards of my pop up blind today. The only problem is a group of does came in a blew at it and took off. Wish I had been in a climber. I did stay dry in the pouring rain which is a bonus.
I don't know what the difference is between turkey and deer but you can pop one up in the middle of a wide open field and turkey won't pay it no mind. But just pop it up in the open woods and every deer that comes by will stare at it. But if you can brush it in really good it can be an awesome way to hunt!