Practicing during the season


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2001
Reaction score
Kansas City, Mo.
It never hurts to continue practicing during the season . I practice as much or more during the season , just to make sure I'm on and the bow doesn't get out of tune, etc.
While practicing yesterday , the arrows were hitting low and not grouping as well . After checking the sights , I checked the arrow on the string with the drop away rest up in position and noticed it was out of square . Apparently my string serving had slipped , causing the string loop to move upwards . This sent my arrows downward .
Once I loosened the string loop , moved it back down and made sure the rest was set right , I got the bow back to driving tacks again . Glad I was still practicing , or I might have missed an opportunity in the woods .
I've been shooting once or twice a week in between trips to the woods just to make sure nothing has changed. My sight housing got banged pretty good in the woods but luckily no change in impact.
Yep gota keep doing it. I keep a arrow in my quiver with a dulled up broadhead, when I get ready to climb down of a morning, Ill pick out a leaf and take shot. Helps with practice from the stand with all gear on.
i shoot everyday. I cant hunt evenings get home to late. So I shoot in the barn everynight
I used to shoot at least 3 days a week year round. This is the first time in years that I haven't done so.I miss it but I also miss shooting with other people.