prefered vs. most productive


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2007
Reaction score
Nashville, TN and Louisville, KY
Admittedly Im not a good or experienced turkey hunter. I have never got to do it much do to playing college baseball, but am picking it up now. I feel there are primarily 2 different methods:
-run and gun
-sit and wait

both can involve as much calling as one wants. I know people who kill birds reguarly by stalking and rarely calling.

What do you prefer and what do you think works best?
So far I have done both, called birds in while sitting and spotted (and bumped) birds while moving around. I took two failed shots at one gobbler across a field because I didn't sneak close enough. I had the perfect opportunity to get close enough when he walked behind a small thicket in the middle of the field. I was afraid of spooking him so I didn't get close enough, and 2 shots didn't do anything other than waste ammo and send the bird running away.
I prefer stalking/rarely callin because it works the best for me. Plus my nerves can't handle havin one come in gobblin. I start feeling like I'm gonna puke.
muddyboots said:
I dont do the sit and wait. Just not for me.

Thats me too muddy. When the weather is nice I'm going to be on the move. I like to see some woods, do some scouting for deer season, and if the birds aren't playing the game I go fishing or grilling or shoot some clays. Trying to get more devoted. I think once I have some success and get access to some better turkey land I'll take to the process more but still not a spring time sitter...thats the fall
If you are hunting small properties, like me, run and gun is not a very productive method. I have never been able to pull that off. I would "run" them off the property before I had a chance to "gun" them. My most productive method for the small (50 to 100 acres) properties that I hunt are to pattern them and sit and wait. Another way I have had some success is to spot and stalk, using terrain and cover to close the distance.
I much prefer the run and gun method, simply because its much more fun to me! I get all the sitting I want during the Fall deer hunting. I like to hear em talk and call them to me, just seems the way to do it vs just ambushing them. I have however did it both ways and its really whatever floats your boat.
Dont get me wrong here. When i see the opportunity i will stalk one in a heart beat. The part i really work on is stealth. If you can move around in the woods and not spook all the animals you are on the right track.
i prefer run and gun but that's not possible on small tracts of land. i have used every method to kill turkeys, the method i use depends on which property i'm on.
Depends on the time of year and the time of day. Mid-to-late season tends to be the most efficient time for the "run n' gun" method. Mid-morning during this time can be very effective.

Generally, I like to setup around fields that I know turkeys frequent and just wait them out. Especially if the birds are henned up, tight-lipped, or it's raining.
ive had the most success runnin and gunnin. which im not a seasoned turkey hunter by no means ive hunted probably 2 years for longbeards getting my first this year on opening day but ive seen more birds runnin and gunnin than anyting else