PC is basically in my backyard. I tried to kill a deer, any deer, there for the first 10 years I began bowhunting. (about 40 years ago). All the while killing deer on every other WMA and public piece I hunted.
I used to work there.
Did a Wildlife Biology internship there briefly (then changed career paths)
And have turkey hunted there for years.
This past bow season, I FINALLY killed my FIRST (PC) deer there. After many frustrating years of trying.
I've seen PC change dramatically over the years to become a well groomed, food plotted, aesthetically pleasing multi use area.
But make no mistake...it's in the mountains of SE Tennessee. And is reflective of a mountainous SE Tennessee WMA. On top of that, it is located close to a big population of people and gets absolutely HAMMERED by hunters on open hunts!
Pressure, thermals, terrain and acorns are just a few of the challenges facing any hunter on PC.
The doe and little 4 point I killed this year at PC mean as much to me as any Pope and Young or Booner I have ever killed.True trophies in my esteem!
Antler restrictions do not (IMO) achieve the goal of managing for older aged classed bucks. In fact, it may actually damage this. Killing 4 points on a side might actually be taking out the high end bucks that have the potential to make it to "trophy class".
Also, this is not the midwest. Or even the Nashville Basin Alpha soils areas that typically produce large antlered bucks per age class. So in order get a "trophy class" animal in these mountains, you're talking about a very mature animal. And by mature I mean HUNTER SAAVY!
Good luck killing that expert in evading hunters.
So my vote would be no. Not antler restrictions. Maybe earn a buck.
But I'd say let's let the biologists handle the management.