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President's Island.. should I go this year?


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2005
Time to get in my application... I've got max points, so should be guaranteed a spot at PI this year if I choose to go...

But I'm kinda torn... I've applied for this hunt every year since it's inception 12-13 years ago (maybe longer :) ). Last year I chose to hold out because of the floods, but it really didn't seem to affect the quality of bucks killed last December.

So the question is.... should I go ahead and draw the hunt this December and go, realizing the island may not still be back to its full potential, or should I wait another year or two and go then? I realize that this will probably be my only opportunity to buck hunt the island... I may be too old by the time I build back up to max points the next cycle... so I hate to burn the wait on a less than stellar hunt.

Anybody in the Memphis area that could give me an update on the crops/ ag situation there? What say you? go this year or wait another year?
I would go.

Since this is not land that is owned by TWRA, it is like all other such lands where agreements could change. I have heard NOTHING along those lines, but it is sort of like being on a lease that can be sold out from under you. If you don't own the land, you are at the mercy of others.
Thanks for the advice guys, PI here I come :)

oh, and I'll prob be picking some of you guys heads on where to set up/ scout the day prior :)

gonna camp out on the island... hope it doesn't rain the whole weekend :)
If not mistaken,only one came off island,six or seven off Ensley,which was not as effected as the island was due to the flood. Still, the island is a dream hunt.
I have a friend with the same deal.
He cant decide either.
Best of luck .
Just curious, how did you decide to hold out last year? If you didnt put in, then you wont have the max points. You would be one short. Either way, I would put in for it. PI at 50% would still be great.
TN Larry said:
If you didnt put in, then you wont have the max points. You would be one short.
You can put in with a group who has a member with few to no preference points (thus the group has few to no preference points) and guarantee yourself another point, while knowing all along you will not get drawn.
I do not put in for it, but if I wanted to go and had max points or got drawn I would go, especially since the TWRA does not own the land. I personally know a landowner who let the TWRA use a large amount of land. Let's just say the landowner will not ever let the TWRA lease again. That comes from the landowner, not me.
Andy S. said:
TN Larry said:
If you didnt put in, then you wont have the max points. You would be one short.
You can put in with a group who has a member with few to no preference points (thus the group has few to no preference points) and guarantee yourself another point, while knowing all along you will not get drawn.
Hmmmm, hadnt thought of that. Wish you could put in for just a priority point like LBL just in case you have max points and know in July that you cant make the Dec hunt. The idea above works the same if you know someone putting in for PI w/o max points.
TN Larry said:
Wish you could put in for just a priority point like LBL ......
I have heard this desire mentioned more and more over the last few years. I have read it from several of our TnDeer members and a few locals around here have talked to me about it. My suggestion is someone, such as you or I, send it in as a recommendation during next year's season setting process. This will at least get it on TWRA's radar for future consideration.
If you go carry a thermacell. Went to Ensley about 10 years ago and the skeeters were the worst I have ever seen. There was a heavy frost every morning and the temps were in the upper 20's at daybreak. By 10am the skeeters were thick and real hungry. Good luck on a 9 point or better.
No!Do no go! :) Gives me a little better chance of going.

It's been over two years since the flood........I think the deer just moved out while it was underwater and as soo as it cleared, they went right back.

It't your call though.
how long does it take to get drawn for PI?I know its a point system thing how many points does one need to get drawn>? thanks
The WMA quota hunt instructions clearly state the maximum draw points is 6 so I don't get that anyone can have more than that. If you have been waitng to get more points than 6 you are wasting your opportunities.
fairchaser said:
The WMA quota hunt instructions clearly state the maximum draw points is 6 .....
That is in err. That same verbiage (max points = 6) was clearly printed on the 2011 Quota Hunt application and valid at the time, but was not updated on the 2012 application, for whatever reason. The quote below is from Sonya with TWRA (Quota Hunt Supervisor) and QuotaLady on here. The quote is from Aug 24, 2011.

"There is no limit to the amount of priority points that will accumulate for the WMA draw. As long as there are unsuccessful applicants, the points will be increased by one every year. In the 2012 drawing the highest point category will be 7."

See this link for full discussion.
http://www.tndeer.com/tndeertalk/ubbthr ... ost2491358
fairchaser said:
The WMA quota hunt instructions clearly state the maximum draw points is 6 so I don't get that anyone can have more than that. If you have been waitng to get more points than 6 you are wasting your opportunities.

Theres a 100 people with 7 points. The max number of points goes up by one each year that passes.

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