Pretty cool experience this morning


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2002
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Was squirrel hunting this morning and had knocked 2 down. I went over to pick them up and about 5' in front of me I seen something move. At first I thought it was a rabbit. But then I quickly realized it was a fawn. Definitely the smallest fawn I've ever seen. It was about the size of a swamp rabbit maybe. Looked like it couldn't have been over a week old. Have never gotten that close to one and she was hidden really well for me to not see her. I'm sure Mama was around close by somewhere.
Cool experience indeed! Several years ago I was bowhunting on Wheeler Refuge in north Alabama.Wheeler is known to have alligators and all manner of snakes. The day was warm and as I walked to a prospective area I was on high alert for venomous snakes. When I came to an old barbwire fence and pushed the top strand down to cross something about 3 feet in front of me moved and gave me an adrenalin rush that should have caused a heart attack. I'm thinking rattlesnake the whole way but finally realize it's a fairly newborn fawn and get my wits somewhat back together. That's my one and only encounter with a little fawn.
I had one in my driveway one time.