Previous property owner's theory of "Bucks only, kill NO does from this stand"


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2022
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I was out at the 'bucks only' blind late this afternoon to get it set up for Saturday's start of the season. There are two other blinds to open up, but the previous owner actually placed a sign in this blind that says, "Bucks only, kill no does from this blind." I had to wonder if the previous owner had perhaps developed a theory that the bucks of the does he didn't shoot at that blind would return to that meadow year after year because that's where their mom's genes tell them to go during rut; providing him, now me, with a constant supply of superior bucks worthy of putting on the hunting lodge wall.

While installing the propane heater, replacing the string that pulls the wooden window flap up and holds it open, and cleaning the blind up a little, I heard noise in the woods to the right/east. The Honda side by side was setting right in front of the blind. I wasn't trying to hide any smells and was NOT being quiet. In fact, I had just clicked the pilot light on on the heater and fired it up to test it. Next thing I know, I'm looking out the front window that I had just repaired and left open and two does that were crushing dried leaves just moments before are watching me. I closed the window flap quickly! Through the crack I can see they're still staring my way. One starts walking toward me, we'll name her "Curious", and I started wishing I had my crossbow.

I saw and re-read the sign…"BUCKS ONLY! Kill no does at this blind"!

Almost immediately a huge buck snorted at me from the opposite direction just left and behind me.

Seems what may have been the previous owner's theory is now MY theory! "BUCKS ONLY at this blind!"
Umm... yes. But it's not the killing of the doe that causes the problem... its the killing of any deer from a particular locale that negatively influences deer usage of the area in daylight in the future.

Which is most likely the reason he didn't want anybody shooting anything but bucks. If you're gona booger up the spot, it had better be worth it.

I've got a couple stand sites like that. I don't have a hanging sign but I follow the same concept. I only hunt them when it's right and I only shoot if it's a stud. I have other spots where I do all my doe killing.
Plenty around us that shoot everything they see. Nothing like a live decoy. Does get the boys dead, been at least 10 years since I shot a doe. I let my kids shoot what they want, my oldest daughter shot plenty of does.

Interestingly enough, too many times to count I have driven the tractor in to pick up a deer and had deer right back in within a very short time, sometimes even had deer watch me drive the tractor up to their dead buddy. Perfect example is where I killed my deer on Wednesday, had about maybe 15 yards of a drag to get to the bucket. Wife hunted the same stand that afternoon and saw several. The next morning she had a buck follow my deer's blood trail right in front of her.
I've killed many deer and the next day have other deer walk right past the gut pile.
On another note, bucks that are born in area "A" are not allowed to stay or even visit that area after their first year. All the does in that area will chase away the young bucks born there.
Nature's way of preventing inbreeding. This is one of the reasons you see so many young bucks dead on the roadways.

Young deer in unfamiliar territory plus they are not yet wise in the ways of the world yet. And raging hormones.
Plenty around us that shoot everything they see. Nothing like a live decoy. Does get the boys dead, been at least 10 years since I shot a doe. I let my kids shoot what they want, my oldest daughter shot plenty of does.

Interestingly enough, too many times to count I have driven the tractor in to pick up a deer and had deer right back in within a very short time, sometimes even had deer watch me drive the tractor up to their dead buddy. Perfect example is where I killed my deer on Wednesday, had about maybe 15 yards of a drag to get to the bucket. Wife hunted the same stand that afternoon and saw several. The next morning she had a buck follow my deer's blood trail right in front of her.
I too have seen deer when I was field dressing, picking up in the tractor, or out in the field as soon as I went back to the house. Also, right after I finished cutting firewood out of the bottoms.
Plenty around us that shoot everything they see. Nothing like a live decoy. Does get the boys dead, been at least 10 years since I shot a doe. I let my kids shoot what they want, my oldest daughter shot plenty of does.

Interestingly enough, too many times to count I have driven the tractor in to pick up a deer and had deer right back in within a very short time, sometimes even had deer watch me drive the tractor up to their dead buddy. Perfect example is where I killed my deer on Wednesday, had about maybe 15 yards of a drag to get to the bucket. Wife hunted the same stand that afternoon and saw several. The next morning she had a buck follow my deer's blood trail right in front of her.
I am also used to seeing deer where others have been killed. Especially bucks following a bucks drag trail. I think it is more a matter of leaving our scent in the area then killing a deer. Does in home range have a pecking order and social interaction with other does. Often have seen does track another deers trail to the gut pile, yep, that bossy Susan won't be pushing my kid away from the good browses any more!
I am also used to seeing deer where others have been killed. Especially bucks following a bucks drag trail. I think it is more a matter of leaving our scent in the area then killing a deer. Does in home range have a pecking order and social interaction with other does. Often have seen does track another deers trail to the gut pile, yep, that bossy Susan won't be pushing my kid away from the good browses any more!

In 2016, I shot my target buck late in the season. He was a 4.5 year old 9 point. I had seen him and a smaller buck together, this was in December. The smaller buck was an 8, probably only 2.5. After I shot, the 8 went around a brush pile. I figured he was gone. I got down found my deer along the brush pile. Come back with the tractor and there is the 8 standing about where I shot my deer. As I am pulling my deer into the bucket out pops a young doe from the brush pile. I think she was there the entire time. Little buck followed her off, hot on her trail. Either second rut or young doe coming in her first cycle. Whatever the case, she was there and likely the buck i killed had her bedded. The younger buck happened along and I shot my buck while he was posturing, probably about to run off the young 8.

Had the doe shown up first and I shot her, no telling what might have occurred. Might never have seen either buck.
In 2016, I shot my target buck late in the season. He was a 4.5 year old 9 point. I had seen him and a smaller buck together, this was in December. The smaller buck was an 8, probably only 2.5. After I shot, the 8 went around a brush pile. I figured he was gone. I got down found my deer along the brush pile. Come back with the tractor and there is the 8 standing about where I shot my deer. As I am pulling my deer into the bucket out pops a young doe from the brush pile. I think she was there the entire time. Little buck followed her off, hot on her trail. Either second rut or young doe coming in her first cycle. Whatever the case, she was there and likely the buck i killed had her bedded. The younger buck happened along and I shot my buck while he was posturing, probably about to run off the young 8.

Had the doe shown up first and I shot her, no telling what might have occurred. Might never have seen either buck.
I usually wait for does till late Dec and honestly only shot bucks for most of my years. It has only been recent years that I have taken does myself that were not mercy killings.

I have two farm/forest properties and use the resident does as the attractant. If TWRA still gave us 3 bucks in area L (middle TN) I probably would only take does as mercy killings like I did in the past. The neighboring nonshooting idiot, I mean individual..., is no longer in the club down the road so the incidence of multiple broken leg deer with no mortal wounds has went down.

I usually have the boys take the does on the property I don't live on. This year I forced myself to take does on my home farm early because I needed the meat and took one late Dec last year. Bucks are showing up finally but a little slow this year.

Will try close WMAs a couple times this year and will shoot based on meat in freezer & remaining buck tags.

Right now, through way past deer season any doe walking will have a buck check her trail within minutes to hours so I am in complete agreement with you that taking a doe now kills a chance for a buck during season.
I've run experiments on numerous properties where various food plots where designated "any deer," and other plots "buck only." Amazing how rapidly the deer sightings decline on the "any deer" plots once a few does are killed. The "buck only" plots stay active all season long.
I've run experiments on numerous properties where various food plots where designated "any deer," and other plots "buck only." Amazing how rapidly the deer sightings decline on the "any deer" plots once a few does are killed. The "buck only" plots stay active all season long.
Good info!
Sadly, I accidently jumped my big buck Saturday afternoon when I was going back to the blind. I don't know if he had bedded down or was walking through, but he was out of there like a super hero at mach speed. Huge deer!!!
His path took him parallel to the creek. A few minutes later I heard a dog bark about 3/4 of a mile away at the neighbors who live out by the road. Two minutes later I heard a shot fired from their area. Am I allowed to say Hopefully they missed? Didn't see him yesterday evening.
The does keep coming within 15-20 yards of the blind so I'm thankful for that.
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I've run experiments on numerous properties where various food plots where designated "any deer," and other plots "buck only." Amazing how rapidly the deer sightings decline on the "any deer" plots once a few does are killed. The "buck only" plots stay active all season long.

That's spot on with what I've seen. In fact, I've had stands where I didn't shoot anything but had been busted a couple times by does, and soon ALL deer begin avoiding the immediate area. When I see them skirting around the stand in a half moon shape, I know I've burned it out.

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