Price increases


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2014
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I just bought a case of whole pork loins (6 loins) at Sams price was 88.93 (1.88 a pound). 1yr ago it was 1.58 per lb.
Whole black forest ham 31.43 (3.86 a pound), 5months ago it was about 28 bucks
Whole oven roast turkey breast 42.51 (3.84 a pound). 5months ago it was 35bucks.
I cut the loins into 3 sections and smoke, some I cut loin chops for grilling vac seal and freeze all.
I slice the ham and turkey for lunch meat. vac seal and freeze in 12oz packs. This is still way cheaper than buying ham/turkey at the deli, but its good quality.
We eat lately not by what we want but what's on sale. About all we can do anymore is dang chicken thighs at $0.99/lb

Bacon is insane. I've got half a mind to start buying pork belly and making my own to sell.
hey tafkap have you priced pork belly lately? What I do is catch boston butts on sale, have them cut in half and make buck board bacon out of them. Not as crispy and a little tougher than belly bacon but still very good. process of making is the same. look up on youtube.
I think it is better too. The reason I said it was not as crispy and little tougher is because I need a better slicer, the one I have will not slice meat thin very consistently
hey tafkap have you priced pork belly lately? What I do is catch boston butts on sale, have them cut in half and make buck board bacon out of them. Not as crispy and a little tougher than belly bacon but still very good. process of making is the same. look up on youtube.

It used to be sub-$5/lb, but for a whole primal belly (skin-on, ribs usually attached, untrimmed), I pay about $5-$6 per pound when I get it directly from the farm. Shout out to Home Place Pastures in Como, MS for the best pork within a gas tank drive of Memphis. I've never tried doing any cured shoulder, but really want to do my own tasso one day
I think it is better too. The reason I said it was not as crispy and little tougher is because I need a better slicer, the one I have will not slice meat thin very consistently

There's not a home-grade slicer worth buying, especially for bacon. I gave up on my 9" blade a long time ago.