Primos Deer Positioning System


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2011
Reaction score
Henry County TN
My kids got me a Primos Deer Positioning System camera for Father's Day. They gave it to me early and I just pulled it today. This thing is pretty cool! I had it set so it takes a picture every 15 seconds from daylight to dark. It then plays back using their software as a movie. I'd guess it took 15 minutes to watch over 5K pictures, with me stopping, zooming and starting. It was over a clover food plot and showed me although a few does were coming in the direction I thought two nice bucks are coming from a direction that was a complete shock. The picture quality is only 2.0mp but it is fine for its job. It takes a wider picture than a trail cam and did a pretty good job covering my plot. The best part is it was $40 at Academy Sports, worth every penny.
Although I personalize have no use for time-lapse cameras and don't use them, from a hunting perspective, I think these time-lapse cameras are probably more help than the regular motion-sensitive cameras. They can cover a wide area and will catch pictures of deer at considerable distance from the camera. They are an excellent way to monitor a large open area, and can pinpoint deer movement times and patterns into and across the open area.

I got one about a month ago and was having trouble with the software as were a lot of unsatisfied customers.

A new version is now available...

per primos cust. service...

A new version of AT A GLANCE (Build 1.3.5) is now available that corrects the lock up issue that the last JAVA update caused. The software SHOULD ask to update itself but they can go to the DPS documentation page on Zendesk and download a copy if there is an issue. ... -software- Keep in mind that until the registration for the application change goes into effect, customers will get a security warning dialog (that process can take a week or so). Tell customers that call about that to click the options link at the bottom of the dialog and then click both the checkboxes before clicking OK and they should not see the warning again.
If your camera software (or any software) is Java version dependent you can open the java applet on control panel, select java tab, view, and then enable the version you want and unclick any other.
I am hearing much of what you and Bsk saying about these cams. They are handy and can be viewed very quickly. Might try one myself.