Primos Power Crystal!

I still have mine. It's from the first year they came out. I love mine. It's called in many gobblers. It works really well on windy days.
I have never owned that call or heard it in person, but I have heard numerous turkey hunters rave about it, especially for the price.
Loved mine, but somewhere between last season and now I lost it. Replaced it with an ol Betsy by primos good soft slate
The Power Crystal has struck a many a birds for me. When things get quiet and I am running and gunning I depend on it, just cover some ground and cut hard on it.
I bought one when they first come out and it still will get em fired up.they came wth a carbon striker also back then and i lost mine cant find another carbon striker that sounds as good on it is a little tip get a good stone and really rough it up seems to work better than sandpaper.
if i could only carry one call... this would be it.

called in more birds than i can count with this call
Sounds like I might have a good chance with it this weekend! I didn't realize it was that popular of a call!
This thing is super loud compared to my freak.