Pro/Cons-Muzzy Zero-Effect for Mathews!


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2006
Reaction score
Cumberland Plateau
I had one for my hoyt and the riser was giving it problems dropping quik and far enough, the shaft hit everytime!

Looking into one for my Mathews, anyone have one??
I have never had one on a mathews, but I have put them on several bows, and they are a pain. They are just difficult to set up and worrisome.

If I was to pick one Id go with the Ripcord..jmo but Ive had several different ones and set up dozens more.
bobthebowhunter said:
mathews have a roller for the cables so I don't think the zero would work would it?

What I was thinking.
Ive heard and seen at the local shop, they hinge up when it gets cold. The less moving parts the better I always say.

Go ripcord bro. Ive had 3 dropaways and I love it.
The Mathews drop away is the best choice for the Mathews brand in my opinion I have had them on all my bows and had great results.The Muzzy is a POS.
I was talking about not knowing how they preformed. I have seen them on Mathews and as hunter82 said they make them that work for a Mathews.