

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2011
Reaction score
East TN
Last night I was shooting and after about 10 arrows, I nocked an arrow and drew my bow and started hearing a popping sound. Let my bow back down and noticed that the string started coming apart. So upon further inspection I noticed that my wheel was cocked to the right and looks as my limbs are uneven. Would the string comming apart cause this problem?
Very hard to say without looking at it, but it sounds like you have a problem with the idler wheel or cam, like a bearing coming apart, that has caused it to become off-center, which has caused damage to the string. Drop the poundage down on the bow as low as you can and get it looked at immediately.
Went to the bow shop on lunch and lucky for me all bearings and wheels and limbs are in tact, just a bad string that cocked the wheel when it started tearing part. the outer fibers looked to have been cut, and totally possible that i hit the cable shooting yesterday since i was practicing with broadheads. If so I'm an IDIOT>
Smoked said:
Went to the bow shop on lunch and lucky for me all bearings and wheels and limbs are in tact, just a bad string that cocked the wheel when it started tearing part. the outer fibers looked to have been cut, and totally possible that i hit the cable shooting yesterday since i was practicing with broadheads. If so I'm an IDIOT>

Glad you got it taken care of. I never seen a string do that to cams, but then again I have only seen a couple of strings that are bad enough for it to even be a possibility. :)