Well-Known Member
My son is 14 and this was his first weekend archery huntin,,,Sunday mornin about 8:30 I get a call on the radio,,,Dad, I've shot at one but can't find my arrow,,,alright son just mark where she was standin and I'll be there soon,,,by the time I retrieve our other huntin bud and his deer and got to Matt he had done found blood,,,tracked her down and dragged her back to his stand,,,Proud Dad to say the least,,,after congrats and high fives he say's, oh by the way I shot another one,,,that's my boy ,,,but to make a long story short,after looking and trailing for a couple of hrs we never found the second deer,,,but hey I'm still proud of him and he's proud of himself,,,get the kids huntin and you want have to hunt them!