This thread goes along with my thread about the public land that I am hunting. I access this land by boat, but it is backed by private land that a hunting club leases, and the lessees subsequently access the public land by road. My brother (Hunter0925) and I had one of the lessees try to run us off and tell us that this land was part of their lease, but I rechecked my map and contacted TVA to verify that we were in the right. These guys have set up treestands all over the field edges, and have even constructed a shooting house on the edge of the leased land overlooking the public land. They have effectively taken up many of the hunting spots with their stands, so should I use them if no one is in these stands and they are on public land? I usually prefer to hunt back in the woods, but have seen more deer in the fields coming out than I have seen back in the woods, so I am thinking about using one of their ladderstands that overlooks a field tomorrow afternoon.