pulled the last 2011/2012 cameras yesterday

Columbia Scott

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2011
Reaction score
Columbia, Tennessee
Not going back until April for turkey hunting and mineral supplements for the antlers. Got some nice pics though.




Nice,I just set 16 for a 2 week soak....... and I am done...I am wanting to see a good one left before the horns fall off.
Been gone for half the day ,may have put in 5 miles..I hope to get something,I have never got a bobcat ...that would do.

I just hope my EXTernals will hold out
I set my primos truth 35 up at floor level in the house to see if 1 week of battery life is what I need to expect from these and its taken 225 pictures and still at 99 persent after 2 days. I think the wet, cold weather just drained them faster than usual. This camera sat watching my food plot all season and never needed a battery exchange. I just started using energizers. probably need to go back to my cheaper Walgreens brand D cells.
Always bittersweet taking down the cameras. But before I know it, I'll be hanging them back out again!
No doubt BSK. I retired two of my less reliable WGIR4 cameras and I'm hoping to replace them Friday with some newer ones. Don't exactly know which ones yet though. Probably Primos Truth 35's.
I just purchased two new Primos Truth 35s through Amazon.com for 75.00 each. I now have three of them and one Scoutguard SG550V. I gave the Wildgame IR4s to a friend. I really hope these cameras hold up for a few years. I was going to get the Primos truth 46 but they are more expensive, harder to program and only give you higher resolution which I really don't care too much about. I don't frame trail camera pics. Here's hoping for some great pics in 2012! Now I just have to figure out how to pay for the $5.00 per gallon gas this summer and the $8.00 per bag corn!
I left my 35 over my food plot and it seemed like the batteries would never give out. I've had a couple minor issues with it but it keeps chugging along. Big and noisy but so far they are the best i've used.