Quest Rogue?


New Member
Jul 17, 2013
Reaction score
West TN
Hi everybody. I have been out of bowhunting for a long time. The last bow I had was a Browning Bridger. I looked at the Quest Rogue yesterday. It was a package with everything I need to get started.

Any comments on this bow?

Decent little setup from what I have seen! Haven't shot it yet. It's kinda heavy (along with almost all Quest bows), but the Quests that I have shot seem to shoot great and quiet. If that is your price range, I would shoot the Rogue, the Diamond Outlaw, Bear Domain, PSE Brute, and the Hoyt Charger. All of these are great bows, with the Hoyt being the best in my opinion. The Hoyt is a little higher in price though. Good luck with your search! Welcome to the site!
Welcome to the site!!!! I have not shot that bow, so as far as input I can't help, sorry. However, before you buy it go and shoot as many different bows as you can and go with what feels best in your hand and how it feels when you shoot it.
Went to Bass Pro yesterday at Opry Mills. They had all kinds of bows. Guess I will need to do some more homework. Maybe I can make it back up there on a weekday when it is less crowded. I didn't see a range there, but can you shoot them there?
bradTN said:
Went to Bass Pro yesterday at Opry Mills. They had all kinds of bows. Guess I will need to do some more homework. Maybe I can make it back up there on a weekday when it is less crowded. I didn't see a range there, but can you shoot them there?

They should have one. Memphis does. Just tell them you are interested in buying one just not sure which one yet and grab a few that you wanna shoot.
my advice is to find the bow you like and buy it bare, then get a better rest, sight and stab. Alot can be said for a good rest and sight, usually on the packages they put just so/so equipment on and if you end up getting back into it you go buy better stuff anyways.

i dont mean you have to buy a $150 sight or anything but you can get a good drop away rest used on Archery Talk for $50 and a decent used sight for around the same. Just my 2 cents but i like to customize my own stuff and make it my style. Its part fo the fun for me....HA Andy knows all to well as it seems everytime i go shoot with him i have a different sight lol. I think I have finally found the one i like in the Armourtech but hey, ya never know.
REN said:
my advice is to find the bow you like and buy it bare, then get a better rest, sight and stab. Alot can be said for a good rest and sight, usually on the packages they put just so/so equipment on and if you end up getting back into it you go buy better stuff anyways.

i dont mean you have to buy a $150 sight or anything but you can get a good drop away rest used on Archery Talk for $50 and a decent used sight for around the same. Just my 2 cents but i like to customize my own stuff and make it my style. Its part fo the fun for me....HA Andy knows all to well as it seems everytime i go shoot with him i have a different sight lol. [color:#3366FF]I think I have finally found the one i like in the Armourtech[/color] but hey, ya never know.

interested in a bet? LOL :D