Question about Lum-i-nocs


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2000
Reaction score
riceville, tn,usa
I was thinking about putting these on some of my hunting arrows and was wondering whether or not I'd need to retune. I read that Luminocs add about 22 grs. to the weight of the arrow.

Anybody have any experience with them?
I don't use Lumenocks because of the weight, they are around 26 grains. Instead, I chose to go with the Nockturnal by Double Take Archery because they only weigh 20 grains and love them. I shot all three nocks and all did work, so I took one and shot it until it no longer worked and it took 72 shots before it started shorting out and 78 before death. There are no magnets and it is designed to work with a plunger setup inside the groove of the nock itself. To reset it after the shot all it takes is a small screwdriver, or the tip of another arrow to reset. ... re=related
TNDeerGuy said:
I don't use Lumenocks because of the weight, they are around 26 grains. Instead, I chose to go with the Nockturnal by Double Take Archery because they only weigh 20 grains and love them.


I have read nothing but great things about the Nockturnals

Going to try some of them myself....
I tried making some following the YouTube video and never had any success with them. I never got more then 3 shots out of mine before they quit. I just can't justify the cost of them for myself. If the 3 that I made had worked I would have kept using them though as, I had less then the cost of 1 luminock it all 3 of mine.
Which one's brighter, I wonder? From looking at the video, the nockturnal seems almost TOO bright. The last thing I want to do is give a deer yet another reason to duck my shot. Can you imagine how that thing would look to a deer on a foggy or misty morning?

The differences I'm seeing are:


Lumenoc completely sealed
Nockturnal has hole(off-switch)to collect mud, crud, blood or flood.

Lumenoc 29.99/3 (1.67 more ea.)
Nockturnal 24.99/3

Lumenoc lasts up to 40 hrs. depending on color.
Nockturnal lasts 20 hrs.

Question to ask myself: Do I really want to add another 10.00 piece of technology to each of my arrows? Let's see, that's 10.00 for the arrow, 10.00 for the broadhead, 1.00 for the fletch and now, 10.00 more for the nightlite. Wait a minute! Why, that puts me flinging $31.00 sticks through the woods :eek:!

I'm going to have to reevaluate this situation. I may just go buy a bag of new white nocks and hope for the best!
ShaneHallum said:
I can't tell a difference between the arrows with the lumenok's and the ones without. The end up in the same group as my others.

ditto. there will be at least 1 luminock equipped arrow in my quiver. the last 3 bowkills have been with luminocks and there is no better way to be sure of where you hit.
Never shot them because it seems like that kind of weight on the back end of the arrow would do two things: weaken the spine of the arrow and decrease the FOC %. I prefer the control. Not to mention if you are watching your nock fly through the air.. that's playing peek a boo which we all know is an archery no no.
I've had nothing but bad experience with the Lumenok, mainly from not lighting. I shoot Maxima 350s with the bulldog collar, even removing the red anodizing hasn't helped to increase reliability. My son shots the 350s without the collar, and his Lumenoks are only about 50% reliable in lighting. Neither of us has noticed they fly any different that arrows without the extra weight, but reliability is more an issue to us than weight.
my 2cents....
CZ284 said:
I've had nothing but bad experience with the Lumenok, mainly from not lighting. I shoot Maxima 350s with the bulldog collar, even removing the red anodizing hasn't helped to increase reliability. My son shots the 350s without the collar, and his Lumenoks are only about 50% reliable in lighting. Neither of us has noticed they fly any different that arrows without the extra weight, but reliability is more an issue to us than weight.
my 2cents....


My light up ratio was actually less than 50% that with the Lumenoks. The design is just too unreliable; sometimes if they do turn on at the shot, they would turn off during flight or after impact.

On a side note I've heard NOTHING BUT GOOD about the Nockturnal ones and I see no way for them to fail.
I have tried about every lighted nock. I tried the G-force lighted nocks, and I had HIGH HIGH hopes about these and the blue nock and they didnt do worth a FLIP. I tried the cheap nocks from walmart, wasnt reliable either. I tried the lighted nocks that you had to mount the magnet by your rest so when it went by it would light it up. Well these was better than the other ones, but way way too confusing to figure out how to turn them on, turn them off ect..... I tried to make my own nocks with a kit that I bought off of archerytalk and that was like NED trying to lead the 3rd grade! I now have lumenoks, and honestly they have been awesome so far. Now, with that being said, When I took them out of the pack, I noticed they didnt fit my goldtips like I wanted them too, so I took my wifes nail file board and went to town on them, just filing all the way around until they fit just right. (this might be why some dont have good luck with them maybe). But mine light up every time and work just fine. The added weight also has seemed to balance my arrow out just perfect! This is just my experiences and two cents.
dmitchell28 said:
I have tried about every lighted nock. I tried the G-force lighted nocks, and I had HIGH HIGH hopes about these and the blue nock and they didnt do worth a FLIP. I tried the cheap nocks from walmart, wasnt reliable either. I tried the lighted nocks that you had to mount the magnet by your rest so when it went by it would light it up. Well these was better than the other ones, but way way too confusing to figure out how to turn them on, turn them off ect..... I tried to make my own nocks with a kit that I bought off of archerytalk and that was like NED trying to lead the 3rd grade! I now have lumenoks, and honestly they have been awesome so far. Now, with that being said, When I took them out of the pack, I noticed they didnt fit my goldtips like I wanted them too, so I took my wifes nail file board and went to town on them, just filing all the way around until they fit just right. (this might be why some dont have good luck with them maybe). But mine light up every time and work just fine. The added weight also has seemed to balance my arrow out just perfect! This is just my experiences and two cents.

i debated posting but i've had zero issues with my Lumenoks as well. fly right along with my others and i love them.

i won some of the Carbon Express nocks at an indoor shoot and they sucked. out of 6, 4 didnt work out of the pack. shot a buck last year and as soon as my arrow impacted the deer the light went off.
Never tried the luminocks but I did try some from walmart last year and they were not worth a crap. Luminocks are built different though so I might try some of them. The ones I had did not fly any different from my regular nocks.