I have tried about every lighted nock. I tried the G-force lighted nocks, and I had HIGH HIGH hopes about these and the blue nock and they didnt do worth a FLIP. I tried the cheap nocks from walmart, wasnt reliable either. I tried the lighted nocks that you had to mount the magnet by your rest so when it went by it would light it up. Well these was better than the other ones, but way way too confusing to figure out how to turn them on, turn them off ect..... I tried to make my own nocks with a kit that I bought off of archerytalk and that was like NED trying to lead the 3rd grade! I now have lumenoks, and honestly they have been awesome so far. Now, with that being said, When I took them out of the pack, I noticed they didnt fit my goldtips like I wanted them too, so I took my wifes nail file board and went to town on them, just filing all the way around until they fit just right. (this might be why some dont have good luck with them maybe). But mine light up every time and work just fine. The added weight also has seemed to balance my arrow out just perfect! This is just my experiences and two cents.