Question about Quota dates.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
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Blount co tn
Hey guys, happy new years!

I am applying for the quota hunts this year for myself and my son (8 years old). We will apply for Chuck Swan but I had a few questions about the early dates. I wanted to apply for the earliest hunts so I would miss the pressure of other hunters and hopefully get on a quota hunt before we start the statewide season.

I am curious if the turkey will be as active early in March as they are near the opening dates of statewide. The youth option is for the 1st or second weekend and the adult options are the last two weekends of March.

Are the turkey as active this early on or should I consider waiting? I could apply him for the youth Chuck Swan turkey quota and then apply to hunt on my own if the birds are active during that early part of season or I could simply apply he and I as a party for the last of March and hunt together if the birds aren't as active early in March.

I know there are other variables at play here but I am just curious. I have only hunted turkey about ten times total and hoped to glean some wisdom from you guys. We wont to get out and have fun but we hope to get some birds too.
I have hunted it before. You are usually dealing with flocks at that point rather than lonely single gobblers. Typically dealing with early gobbles on the roost and not much else. The time I went to CS in March it was 24 degrees! I did enjoy it though personally.
I have hunted the swan for 30 years, i like the last two hunts best myself, if you draw early just be prepared for lots of hens! Make sure to tick spray religiously
I have hunted the swan for 30 years, i like the last two hunts best myself, if you draw early just be prepared for lots of hens! Make sure to tick spray religiously
I really appreaciate the input! I was concerned that the birds would be "called out" from all the people calling during the earlier hunts. Do you feel that is a problem?
I have come to realize over hunting there in the past that the birds are just as tough the 2nd hunt as the last, main thing is get away from the roads and keep with the bird you hear at first light until the 12:00 cut off
Turkeys are gonna turkey. I think the weather on your actual hunt will be more of a factor, but realize there are just fewer birds as you get later into the season.
I have seen that first hunt be the top killing hunt at the Swan if the weather is right leading up to it or it may be 40 for the high! Lol, As a matter of fact I guess you could say that about any of the hunts March through mid April in TN. Chuck Swan does not have a youth quota turkey hunt that I know of, I wish they did. Best of luck to you and your son if you get drawn!
In Missouri we had a 3 week season in middle April. I had a old guy I would hunt with sometimes. He was pretty old school and always said march turkeys were A lot easier to kill.
In Missouri we had a 3 week season in middle April. I had a old guy I would hunt with sometimes. He was pretty old school and always said march turkeys were A lot easier to kill.
Yep, lots of times they are just busting up and looking for hens to get with. You think about it I believe that's why they have statewide juvenile the last weekend in March!
I have seen that first hunt be the top killing hunt at the Swan if the weather is right leading up to it or it may be 40 for the high! Lol, As a matter of fact I guess you could say that about any of the hunts March through mid April in TN. Chuck Swan does not have a youth quota turkey hunt that I know of, I wish they did. Best of luck to you and your son if you get drawn!
Thanks for pointing out about Swan not having a youth hunt, I was looking at another area!
I've hunted the early hunt a couple times including the year including the year Pickett hunter killed there. It was extremely quiet for me both times. The only birds I heard started about 30 minutes before check in.
I don't remember the weather on that hunt but, I've seen the exact same weather as today on the early hunt.
Not familiar with the hunt. But the birds will probably still be flocked up and tougher to call in. But, with turkeys you just never know. I'd hunt it if I could and was your most logistical option.

They will be gobbling. And your bound to find a single gobbler somewhere if you try hard enough and have some luck.