Question for Scott61


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2007
Reaction score
Dekalb County
I have had a 2009 Bowtech Admiral for about 2 months now and probably shot about 200 to 300 times. I was checking my specs and found that the ATA is about 3/16 too long. Is this do to the strings and harness stretching. And if I'm checking my brace height right its about 3/16 too short. I checked it from the string to the screw that holds the grip on. What do I need to do to get the ATA back into specs. If I get the ATA back into specs will it bring my brace height back out. Thanks
Not Scott61, but maybe I can gelp.

Put the bow in a press and twist the string back into spec.

Make sure to twist equally on both sides, should bring yor brace back out if you measured it correctly.

PS, that admiral and its big brother the captain are some dang nice bows.
Thank You But I don't think I measured the brace height right. Its actually measuring about 3/16 too long form the screw that holds the grip on to the string. Is it possible for both to be too long. It made since to me at first when I seen that the ATA was too long and then the brace height was too short. But now I see that it maybe too long form the way I'm measuring I don't have a clue. I guess I need to figure out how to measure the brace height. I know for sure the ATA is too long. I measured it form the middle of the axle to middle of axle. I add twist to get the ata shorter right.
I don't worry about the brace height. I get the ATA and cam rotation right and let it rip.
Measure the brace height from the deepest portion of the grip to the string . You are measuring your ATA right. If the ATA is too long , it is likely that your string has stretched .
If you really want some good info you need to read through this link. And you might even want to call this guy. If you PM your # he will call you. I talked to him when my cams were out of synch and he helped me trouble shoot. With the binary cams it is much more complicated than just twisting cables. If your ATA is off your cams may very well be out of synch.
I was told that 3/16 too long on my ata wasn't enough to worry about. Is this true? Also by reading that guys post as long as my cams are in synch I should be ok. Even though my admiral doesn't seem to have much of a valley. But then again it may have been designed that way. That was probably the reason they got the speeds they did out of this bow.
bowhunter07 said:
I was told that 3/16 too long on my ata wasn't enough to worry about. Is this true? Also by reading that guys post as long as my cams are in synch I should be ok. Even though my admiral doesn't seem to have much of a valley. But then again it may have been designed that way. That was probably the reason they got the speeds they did out of this bow.

I'll tell you what. That fella on AT seems to knows how to turn a bow into a hot rod. That being said, If the bow shoots the way you want it to...then leave it alone. If it were my bow, I would do what I had to or take the bow to a proshop to get the ata back and the cams back in synch. I don't see how a binary cam bow could be in synch if the ata is off. I am no expert. Just my thoughts.
I rechecked my ATA last night and it apears to just be about an 1/8 of an inch off instead of 3/16. I also got my wife to make sure that both cams were rotating the same and they were. My bow shoots good groups. I just need to get used to a different feeling bow going from a Mathews to a Bowtech.
Binary cams will perform much much better when in synch. They will also let you know when they are not. Check with your manual or bowtech website to determine proper cam location and synch. It will involve adjustment of string and cable if they are out.