Question for the experienced


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2011
Reaction score
Jefferson City
I hunted yesterday and set up a hen and jake decoy. I heard something coming in the woods and turned out to be a hen. as soon as she saw the decoys she circled around the field and stayed about 20 yards in the woods never entering the field. i entertained myself by calling back and forth to her for about 15 mins thinking maybe if i get her going she'll bring in a tom. she finally just walked the other way still yelping to my calls as she left. my question is how would a tom react to the decoys? im assuming alot different but why would the hen just leave even though she was talking back and forth forever. she almost seemed scared of the field and my decoys were only 20 yards from the woodline. did she think the hen decoy was with the jake so she didnt want to interfere or what?
You can't ever tell what they'll do. Some days they'll come to it and other times they won't. I used a Pretty Boy several times last year and the birds here were scared of it and would not come in but I've got buddies that use it and birds have run to it. I don't use it anymore and only use 1 or 2 hens and that's only on a field. In the woods I don't use anything. I set up this morning on the edge of a small open area and didn't use anything. My son killed his first on the juvenile and I had one hen out. They flew down right to it and stayed around long enough for 2 gobblers to get there too. Only one left. Thing is I think hens get jealous because sometimes you can call them in and they'll bring the gobbler with them but other times you start calling and they will turn and go the other taking him away.
sometimes they run away from a decoy and other days they run in to them.
I've never had a mature tom flare off a decoy yet... I have had jakes come running to the call in full strut and see the tom decoy and deflate and start feeding- looking like someone kicked them in the nuts.

Hens seem to ignore the decoy, neither attracted to it, nor flaring off of them.
never had much of a hen reaction to them and never had one "run" from them but i have had toms hang up or go stay out of range from the decoys and eventually just walk away.
Cant never tell,every turkeys is different every hour of the day. Ive had gobblers and even hens jump on mine. Also had them ignore them. Dont set them out much anymore unless Im in certain situations.
I think the hens see the decoy and know your calling is not coming from that hen. They skirt around looking for the source and finally leave when they can't find it. I think the decoy does soothe them a bit and they seem to star around longer. My opinion and worth what you paid for it
Every bird has a different personality! I too have started using a Jake fan in my Pretty boy decoy, as the full fan seemed to spook more gobblers. I also have had hens and Gobblers do everything from run all over them, to running wide open away from them, you just never know.