Question for the shooting experts


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
Brentwood, TN US
One of the "fun" things about getting old(er) is declining eyesight. I am still very blessed with my long range vision, but have been in various strengths of reading glasses for several years. Without the "readers", the sight pins on my bowsight are blurry. If I were to wear reading glasses while shooting/hunting, or, I think, one of the peeps with the lens, then the deer would be blurry.

In my pistol training, I was taught to concentrate on the target, let it be clear and detailed, and to let the sights to be blurry. Basically, with the pistol I just put a blurred front sight that is centered with the rear on center mass (or head) and shoot, and seem to do OK by having the target "detailed".

For you archery experts, what do you say? If both the target and the sight can't be totally clear and detailed, which one do you want to be the clearest?

Thanks in advance for any input. I'm heading out to IL in a little while to hang some stands, and will check back in when I get back.
Let me first declare I'm not an archery expert but I got a great book "Core Archery" by Larry Wise. Larry was a competitve shooter and is an instructor. He teaches to keep the target in your "primary" vision and the pin in your "secondary" vision i.e. your pin will be blurry but the target clear. I always focus on the target. Again, I'm no expert.
Without a doubt focus DEEPLY on the target and let the "fuzzy" sight pin drift over the target. There was a study done I came across awhile back, I think by an Olympic archery coach (I will find it to make sure), on target focus and accuracy. Using a laser that would project exactly with the sight-pin he found that when archers focused deeply on the target, the largest amount of time the arrow would find its way there. Even if they could not hold the pin exactly where they wanted to, at the last nano second before release the brain would override the body and make the needed adjustments so the sight upon release was dead-on and the arrow would hit the target because of their focus on one very small target.
Thanks! I was considering buying one of the peep sights that takes the "clarifying" lens, but got to thinking about my pistol training and had second thoughts. I guess I will stay with my current setup. That is the way i have always done it, but when I took a new sight out of the shipping box last night wearing my readers, I was struck at just how precise the sight looked.
scn said:
Thanks! I was considering buying one of the peep sights that takes the "clarifying" lens, but got to thinking about my pistol training and had second thoughts. I guess I will stay with my current setup. That is the way i have always done it, but when I took a new sight out of the shipping box last night wearing my readers, I was struck at just how precise the sight looked.
I got one of the peeps with the lens this year after my brother got one last year. They have several different strength lenses and you go to the range and hold a sight pin at arm's length and try different ones until you find the lens that lets you see both the pin and the target pretty well. I can see both the sights and the target good enough with it out to 50 yds. I hated having to tilt my head back to see through my bifocals, this thing works a lot better with no glasses.

In pistol shooting, I was always taught to focus on the clear tip of the front sight and let the target be blurry and the rear sight a little blurry. In fact, that's sort of a mantra with the Marines, "Clear tip of the front sight post."

Archery I always try to pick the smallest thing I can see on the target and concentrate on that.
I wear contacts with focus on the target and slight blur on the sight pin . I'm getting old eyes . I know where you are coming from .
You can try a specialty archery super peep with a verifier (not clarifier) for your problem. I have a peep body you can have, but you'll need to buy the verifier.

Send me a PM if you're interested. I pass Ellington every day.
Pretty sure it's the verifier that I have and it works way better than I thought it would. I notice the middle magnifies more than the edges so if you center the pin in the middle of the peep, it's nice and clear but it gets blurry if you let it move towards the edge. Likewise, you can see the target pretty well in the part that's not blocked by the sight pin.
The guy at Everything Archery said he's never had any complaints about them.
JayMc said:
You can try a specialty archery super peep with a verifier (not clarifier) for your problem. I have a peep body you can have, but you'll need to buy the verifier.

Send me a PM if you're interested. I pass Ellington every day.

I've got the Specialty Archery peep as well...this is a great offer. You can use verifiers to make your pin clear, or if you use a lens in your sight they have clarifiers to make the target clear. I use neither but I have aperatures so I can change from 3/16, 1/8, 1/16 and 1/32 peep size. I use the peep standard at 3/16th for hunting.
I had the same problem. I wear strong reading glasses. Without them I can't tell whether writing is Chinese or English. I wear the lightest reading glasses (125) I can get for shooting and hunting with all weapons. It solved my problem.