Question with no wrong answer

no partly because I usually take a few people that I want to get a turkey the first few days. 2nd I don't want me Tennessee season to be 4 days long. 3rd ive never been in the situation so obviously this is me just thinking what I would do who knows though. but I know it would drive me crazy not being able to hunt the rest of the season. but most likely not I like hunting all stages of the season. so I like to spread it out and try to bring other people into the sport. then I worry more about me after that.
Yes.....and have the last 2yrs, but its a long drive for me from where I live in KY to where I hunt in TN. Actually I haven't limited out the first 4 days but the first 4 or 5 days that I hunted. Which all happened to be during the first week of season.
I love turkey hunting in TN...
I have before, but purposefully plan not to do so.
I enjoy hunting, much more when I have the ability to shoot, even if I am taking someone with me who can also shoot.

No matter what the limit, I'm generally going to hold back one, just so I can continue to have the ability to take an exceptional Tom (or big buck) so long as I still have future hunting days available. So if the limit were two, most years I'd kill one. If the limit is 4, most years I will kill 3.

Others have different thoughts, for various reasons.
I have a couple avid turkey hunter friends who live in KY. Most years they limit out in TN, purposefully, before the KY season opens. Then they limit out in KY. They may then move on to some other state, and may have preceded their turkey hunting in TN by turkey hunting in Florida.
timberjack86 said:
. . . . why would I want to shorten my season?
Not necessarily the case.

Go hunt in Florida or Alabama, limit out ASAP.
Go hunt in TN, limit out ASAP.
Go hunt in KY, limit out ASAP.
Then move on to some other state for turkey hunting.

I'm not in to it this much, but there seems to be quite a few who are.
Wes Parrish said:
timberjack86 said:
. . . . why would I want to shorten my season?
Not necessarily the case.

Go hunt in Florida or Alabama, limit out ASAP.
Go hunt in TN, limit out ASAP.
Go hunt in KY, limit out ASAP.
Then move on to some other state for turkey hunting.

I'm not in to it this much, but there seems to be quite a few who are.
Sounds great! I just need to ditch my job, wife and kids and I can get at it! Not really but If I had the time and money to do it I would start in florida and work my north all spring. But life gets in the way, and that's not a bad thing. I want to keep my season going as long as I can so when I do get that rare day I can take off from my responsibilities I can.
I did last year, first four hunts actually within the first week of season, no I don't want to do it again
No, I've had the opportunity in years past and have no desire to be done from the start. I enjoy the entire season and pace myself.
Speaking of "pacing" one's self, one great way of learning to do this is by passing up jakes. Later, for similar reasons you might decide not to shoot a buck with a broken off antler, you might decide to give a pass to 2-yr-old-looking Tom with a short beard. (When I see a Tom with a "stiff" or "non-swinging" beard, he usually gets a pass.)

Finally, you might just decide that if you can call up a particular longbeard once, you can do it again, like for a friend who's never killed one. Last year, two of the longbeards I let walk were taken by good friends, and for one of whom, it was his first.

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