Queston about HSS safety vest


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Cookeville, TN
I was reading some reviews on the HSS Tree Stalker which is the $89 model. Some reviewers complained that the harness only allowed straight shots. If the hunter has to turn to take a shot off to the side, the strap gets in the way. Is this a problem with most safety harnesses?
The securing strap needs to be placed high enough above the head to allow the hunter to rotate below the strap . Placement on the tree is critical . I'd have to say the obstruction of the strap has more to do with improper strap placement on the tree than the harness .
I have never had a problem with the HSS vest or any other safety harness . It's best to follow the instructions if you are not familiar with proper setup .
I take the reviews with a grain of salt . The idiot factor comes into play in many cases .
Radar said:
The securing strap needs to be placed high enough above the head to allow the hunter to rotate below the strap . Placement on the tree is critical . I'd have to say the obstruction of the strap has more to do with improper strap placement on the tree than the harness .
I have never had a problem with the HSS vest or any other safety harness . It's best to follow the instructions if you are not familiar with proper setup .
I take the reviews with a grain of salt . The idiot factor comes into play in many cases .

That is what I figured (idiot factor). I am considering the Treestalker version for value to open up funds for bow hunting clothing, broadheads, foam target, draw rope, and maybe even a range finder.
I'm with Radar on this one.

the only problem I can see is if a right handed shooter rotated to his right to take a shot and the strap was placed where his draw arm elbow it it. that could happen with any brand harness. put the harness on and drawing your bow to see if that is a problem is the best cure to prevent the problem while hunting.
Radar said:
The securing strap needs to be placed high enough above the head to allow the hunter to rotate below the strap . Placement on the tree is critical . I'd have to say the obstruction of the strap has more to do with improper strap placement on the tree than the harness .
I have never had a problem with the HSS vest or any other safety harness . It's best to follow the instructions if you are not familiar with proper setup .
I take the reviews with a grain of salt . The idiot factor comes into play in many cases .

Just be sure the strap stays in place high enough to allow you to sit down.

Did you ever bow hunt last year?
I knew you were just beginning to get into bow hunting last season.
Started from scratch? Bow, stand, HSS, etc. ?
LCU said:
Radar said:
The securing strap needs to be placed high enough above the head to allow the hunter to rotate below the strap . Placement on the tree is critical . I'd have to say the obstruction of the strap has more to do with improper strap placement on the tree than the harness .
I have never had a problem with the HSS vest or any other safety harness . It's best to follow the instructions if you are not familiar with proper setup .
I take the reviews with a grain of salt . The idiot factor comes into play in many cases .

Just be sure the strap stays in place high enough to allow you to sit down.

Did you ever bow hunt last year?
I knew you were just beginning to get into bow hunting last season.
Started from scratch? Bow, stand, HSS, etc. ?

No, I started to get ready for this bow season back in Feb.
utgrad, you must be more than ready to go by now.

Nothing compares to a Whitetail bow kill IMO.
Good luck.
Once you bow hunt a few times and make a few kills, it will all come together..