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Quick question about lights.

Buck Assassin

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2008
cocke county, TN
I have a 14ft Jon boat without a motor... I'm just using paddles. I was thinking about taking it out in a little cove on Douglas lake and doing a little night fishing tonight. Do I need certain lights on it or is something like a lantern enough? I know nothing about boating and this is my first boat so I'm just trying to figure out what I need. I read through the regulations on the twra website but I'm still confused about the lights. Any info is appreciated! Thanks!
That was one thing I was confused about because the regulations didn't say anything about a red and green light. It just says a white light that is visible 360 degrees. So is a lantern enough for me tonight? My boat does not have a motor on it yet because it is not registered. It is only ore powered right now.
Aquaholic":dzb6emr0 said:
If you have no motor meaning no gas or electric motor you have to have a white light visible 360*.....

If you are moving, not anchored, you have to have navigation lights. It doesn't matter if its by paddle, motor or sail. If you are anchoring while fishing, you can turn the navigation lights off.
Seems like kayaks only need the white light... you may only need it also.

if you're not familiar with boating, I would make sure I had on a life jacket. There was a death on Boone this morning where the guy had on no life jacket. Be careful.
10-4. I misread your original post. I read with motor but only using a paddle instead of without.

I don't know if their is a height requirement for the light or not. It may have to be hanging from a pole to be legal. You'll also probably need some bug spray. A white light is going to draw the bugs in big time.
Aside from "boat" lights what lights will you be using for visibility? I use my Coleman lanterns with the aluminum reflectors and sometimes I hang them off the side of the boat. The light will draw bugs like crazy.
I have a couple of Coleman lanterns and a mag light is all I was going to use. I don't plan on straying too far from the truck with just paddles. It's not really a high traffic cove. I just want to make sure I'm legal and safe. I have a thermacell and some off for the bugs lol
For all who reads this please have some light that is visible 360 degrees. It's scary running down the lake at night and run up on kayaks with out lights. All I could see is the spray off their paddles trying to get out of the way. In the middle of the lake is not a good place to be without lights. Have fun on the lake but be safe.

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