Rage 2 or Grim Reapers

I love those rage broadheads the 2 blades Ive had some great big entrance and exit holes.but either one in the ribs will do the job!
Well, I guess I'm gonna be the odd-ball here :D . I use the Grim Reapers and I love them! The past 2 seasons, I have shot deer on opening weekend. I'v shot 2 deer with them that went a total of 20 yards. In 2007, shot a doe, hit one lung, she crashed 15 yards doing "cart-wheels"-sp over saplings with a blood trail that looked like I was pouring it outta a 5 gallon bucket. Last year (2008) shot another doe, she literally leaped one time and couldnt get up, and no I didnt spine her :D . They will last a long time too. I am still using them this year....(the SAME 3 that I bought in the summer of 2007), the only thing I have bought since then was 1 packet of replacement blades. Oh, also shot a coyote, and he didnt like em too much at all either.

But since everyone else said Rage, I'm sure thats what you will get :) , but good luck with whatever decision you make. Good luck!
ShaneHallum said:
Rage 2 blade. You can get on Ebay and get 9 Rage 2 blade's for 100 bucks with free shipping.

there are a lot of broadheads that are as good as the rage for about 3/4 of the cost. i can get 9 miniblasters for about $70.
Chief Tap-a-Keg said:
what other 100gr broadhead that is a lot cheaper flies just like a field point like the rage does?

If I didn't shoot Rage, I'd would use Slick Tricks
Chief Tap-a-Keg said:
what other 100gr broadhead that is a lot cheaper flies just like a field point like the rage does?

Not to hijack the thread...just curious.

my miniblasters group with my field points but they are 75 gr.
I have dropped deer flat down with the Grimm Reaper.
My 7 MAG doesnt make as large of holes.
LCU said:
You can't go wrond with either.
the most important factor is shot placement.

This is the most important factor. I dont care how dull (rescpectively) the blades are, if you put it in the right spot, the deer will be recovered not very far from your tree. That said, I too believe they are both top notch and you probably wont go wrong with either.
I use the 3 blade, I've tried both 2 and 3 blade and get better results with the rage 3 blade. Hit 6 deer with them and watched all fall within 40 yards of my stand.

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