Rage broadheads


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2011
Reaction score
Jefferson City
I bought some this week and never used them before. just wondering how good they are cause i thought they would be a little more mechanical like springs pushing the blades out instead of the way they actually work. anyways, i bought 100 grain, how much dfferent are actual broadheads like this when shooting than a field tip? they seem heavier for sure
they shouldve had a practice head, if not you can order them, i used them for 2 years and liked them, but i like a muzzy better for what its worth
Shoot just like a feild tip. I shot them last year. Switched to tricks this year wanted a little more security with a fixed blades. Good broad heads, just didn't want to risk the blades comin open.
Buddy, it's just like everything else on here. Folks love em and Folks cuss em. I tend to not believe the "I hate rage stories" (or any broadhead for that matter)because most of them are the results of not finding the animal. Well if you didn't find the animal then how can you say you put a good shot on the animal.

IMO they work just fine. Not blown away like some, but they have worked just as good as anything else I've tried. Good luck.
They work great if you put them in the "ribcage". I have used them with success as well as other broadheads . They don't perform miracles unless put in the vitals .
i understand the concept of people love or hate them because like you guys said, thats how everything is. i know if i shoot a deer in the tail it wont kill it just cause i used a rage head lol, but i was just wondering what your alls opinons were. hopefully ill get the opportunity to see how they are this fall. thanks for the replies!
Radar said:
They work great if you put them in the "ribcage". I have used them with success as well as other broadheads . They don't perform miracles unless put in the vitals .
That is true with any broadhead. Hit the mark with any head with enough energy behind it and the deer will die. I simply prefer to not add the risk of mechanical failure of a broadhead. There is already too many possible failures factors involved in archery hunting.
I dont trust them or any other mechanical head. Confidence in my equiptment goes a long way when hunting. I don't want the last thing in my head at the shot to be PLEASE OPEN! I heard those muzzies are BAD TO THE BONE!
Killed 11 deer in last two years with them. Very happy will continue to shoot them. Not a miracle head but I've had shorter trails on marginal hits with them that with the muzzys I previously shot. Not the penetration of Muzzys but I get pass throughs 90% of the time shooting 60lb
DWM said:
Radar said:
They work great if you put them in the "ribcage". I have used them with success as well as other broadheads . They don't perform miracles unless put in the vitals .
That is true with any broadhead. Hit the mark with any head with enough energy behind it and the deer will die. I simply prefer to not add the risk of mechanical failure of a broadhead. There is already too many possible failures factors involved in archery hunting.

I have used both mechanicals and fixed heads over the years and the only failure I have had was my own failure to put the broadhead in the right spot a few times , not the fault of any broadhead . My biggest pet peeve are those bowhunters who fail to admit to their own mistakes and use mechanical failure as an excuse for unrecovered deer .
The bottom line is that the perfect shot they thought they made was far less than perfect . Following a blood trail and recovering deer is an overlooked aspect of deer hunting that many hunters fail at . They are too quick to blame the equipment .
My point is to put the broadhead in the vitals and you will recover deer . They are no miracle broadheads on the market that will turn a non vital shot into a killin' shot .
easy45 said:
I love them but they are like any other broadhead, you have to put them in the vitals

not according to the hype. "get your animal guaranteed" "like throwing an ax throught an animal"

over priced and overrated and over hyped.