rage fails again


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2000
Reaction score
This is the second deer I LOST Shooting a rage broadhead..shot was good..trail that deer over 6 hour till sign ran out.. i am sick about it. going back to slick tricks....
I shot a doe with rage yesterday and had a hard time finding her. It was a perfect shot, and the rage did massive amounts of damage, twice the amount i saw with g5 montecs last year. The entrance hole was partially plugged with tissue and the exit was totally plugged with intestines, and that's why i had a terrible blood trail. The rage sliced through two ribs, lungs, and whatever other stuff is in the way as it went throught the torso and exited in front of the right leg. It was just unlucky the holes got plugged. The broadhead itself did its job.
dryhorn2 said:
Sounds like shot placement not broad head. Sorry for the loss deer.

Thinking the same thing, I've never lost one with the rage, never even had to look that far
ShaneHallum said:
I can't keep my rage heads closed.

Good luck next time

I bought them last year and have the same problem, which caused me to loose confidence in them. So I carry one in my quiver now for yotes and turkey.
buy some stronger bands for them on archerytalk,no recovery no perfect shot, if shot had been perfect it would not have went that far with a fieldpoint
BZ911 said:
This is the second deer I LOST Shooting a rage broadhead..shot was good..trail that deer over 6 hour till sign ran out.. i am sick about it. going back to slick tricks....
maybe not as good as you thought. Not doubting you by any means . And make sure you give a deer shot with archery tackle plenty of time. I started a one hour minimum 4 years ago and havent lost one since.
The rubber "O" rings get cut or dry rot over time. they give your replacements so if yours arent staying locked the o rings are damaged. Just replace them. On the back of the plastic they tape 3 extras in.
How do you know it was a perfect shot if you did not recover the deer or have it on video?

Carlos Viagra said:
Throw them silly things out and use Muzzy's. Simple and very effective, yo.

Heard that. The hog and doe I shot at Catoosa last weekend bot traveled less than 50 yds before they piled up. Both shots were a little back but tore em up for sure.
I have shot over 12 deer and hogs last year and so far this year,and hog nor deer went more than 10 yards, first doe I shot last year, rage went in front shoulder ,came out the backside and stuck in a ceder tree.heck one doe even fell dead of a heart attack just seeing me put a rage into my crossbow.. :o