Rain + calls

outdoors crazy

Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
Reaction score
Northern Middle Tennessee
As I thought the rain was over this morning I was suprised by on more good shower. My glass call and sticks got wet and we're not performing. Any suggestions on calls that can withstand some water?

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I always carry sandpaper in case my call/striker gets wet and I need a quick solution.

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I stick to mouth calls when it's raining.

If I know it's going to be wet I leave my custom calls and strikers at home, I am very particular about my calls and striker combos and won't jeopardize their sound by getting them wet. I also pack several gallon ziplocks in my vest for the unexpected shower.

I tried all the "wet" friendly calls, and they either didn't work, or sounded not up to my standards. I can do everything with a mouth call in order to kill a bird and it's a heck of a lot easier to manage on rainy days.
Yea I was searching every pocket I had today for a mouth call..lol... I don't have any custom calls but am definitely going to find some new ones before next year

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Mouth calls are your friend when its raining. My daughter did win a box call a couple of years ago that works when its wet.

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