Well-Known Member
Are these Ramps? I always thought they only grew in the Mountains.
Anywho............while out on a little walkabout to see how many trees I lost during last nights storm I came across these. They were only in one location probably around a couple of acres and there were lots of them.
I bit into one of them expecting it to taste like a green onion but it didn't really taste like one. Kinda bitter. I've heard they have a unique smell but my old sniffer doesn't work like it used to and I really couldn't smell much.
If they are Ramps what is the best way to eat them? Any recipes?
If they aren't Ramps any idea what they might be and any side effects? I did eat a few of them and so far not having any adverse reactions, "did you see the size of that Chicken!!"
Anywho............while out on a little walkabout to see how many trees I lost during last nights storm I came across these. They were only in one location probably around a couple of acres and there were lots of them.
I bit into one of them expecting it to taste like a green onion but it didn't really taste like one. Kinda bitter. I've heard they have a unique smell but my old sniffer doesn't work like it used to and I really couldn't smell much.
If they are Ramps what is the best way to eat them? Any recipes?
If they aren't Ramps any idea what they might be and any side effects? I did eat a few of them and so far not having any adverse reactions, "did you see the size of that Chicken!!"