You have a farm that nobody but you is SUPPOSED to be hunting but you. If you have a kid, would you let them do it? Or would you tell them crawling around during turkey season holding a decoy that looks exactly like the game everyone is trying shoot is unwise and not worth the risk just to crawl up on a bird and shoot it out of a field?
I personally don't like it and won't ever do it for a number of reasons. Not the least of which is this: There are LOTS of jacklegs, dumbasses, irresponsible teenagers, druggies, etc, etc who want to kill a turkey because they think it's cool. Many don't care about laws or safety. Some shoot turkeys with rifles from long distances, regardless of who's property the turkey is on. Others will shoot at the first turkey they see (or think they see) because they don't care about the sport and only want to kill a turkey. At the same time and often in the same places, there are people crawling around field edges holding turkey decoys with real turkey fans in front of their faces. Often in tall grass and always wearing full camouflage. Eventually, somebody WILL get shot in the face.