Rechargeable AA batteries


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Giles Tennessee
Does anyone use rechargeable AA batteries in their cameras and if so what brand of batteries and charger have you had success with? Would like to hear your experiences. Thanks.
Last time I used rechargeable batteries in a camera they didn't last long at all, but that was years ago. Tech might be better now.
Sanyo Eneloop with Sanyo Eneloop charger. Thats what alot of homebrewers have found to be really good long lasting batteries. Best prices seem to be on Ebay.
FIREMANJIM said: Sanyo Eneloops. Or the Imedions is my second choice.
x2. Exactly what I use and have used for last five years. I also order all of my stuff from TD.
I use the eneloops for professional wedding photography.

We get almost a full wedding out of a set using high power top of the line portable flash. We are talking 200+ shots using flash, usually of half power or more.

Should have TONS of power for a dinky trail cam flash and they hold a charge for a long time.
Jarred525 said:
Does anyone use rechargeable AA batteries in their cameras and if so what brand of batteries and charger have you had success with? Would like to hear your experiences. Thanks.

I found that good rechargeables lasted about twice as long as alkeline AAs. However, lithium AAs last about 8 times as long as alkelines. They are definitely expensive, but with many of today's trail-cameras, a set of 8 lithium AAs will last for 6 months to a year.