Red Dot scope question


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
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I put this in the guns forum as well but I thought I would try here too.

Ok I am thinking very seriously about getting a "fastfire" scope for my turkey gun.

Friend of mine speaks VERY highly of this one.

He also said that he saw a mount for it that actually goes in between the stock and the receiver.
I am putting it on a Browning Silver NWTF shotgun.
Main reason I am liking the idea of this mount is because my receiver is not drilled and tapped.
I also like this idea better than a side mount, if that is even an option.

I haven't had any luck locating said mount as of yet.
Anyone have any idea or seen one like that?

That would be it man, thanks alot.

I got a brand new Browning Silver last year and to say I wasn't happy would be an understatement.
Can't hit the broad side of a barn with it.

Hoping this site will allow me to actually sight the gun in this year.
You will be happy with the burris. The only complaint I have heard about the speedbead mount is not keeping your nose far enough from it when pulling the trigger.

I have mine mounted on a mossberg and it has helped me alot. It is so easy to get on target fast. Well worth the money.

I believe there is also a saddle mount to fit your Browning. My turkey hunting buddy has the same gun as yours and he has a saddle mount on his. The speedbead is cleaner and lighter though.

Here is mine
I have the FastFire and I love it. It and the speedbead are the same sight with just different mounts. Have been told that you can shoot skeet or duck hunt with the speedbead. I havent actually tried it with mine but I will some time.

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